The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens. Now in our 45th year, we receive 12,000+ entries globally. We offer brand recognition across dozens of categories, including branded, immersive, social impact, and documentary. Eligible work includes that created on behalf of a client, for a specific brand and/or company (including your own), or self-directed as a creative endeavor.

Gold Telly Awards
Silver Telly Award
Bronze Telly Award
People's Telly Award
Telly Company of the Year

*** Please submit work directly via our website at to not experience delays in processing ***

Work must be either in the English language or subtitled into the English language.

All work must be accompanied by a valid video URL, or include an uploaded or mailed in video file.

Work can be privately or publicly published, but it must be able to be viewed by the judges.

People’s Telly entries must be able to be viewed publicly for the public voting contingent.

Campaign or Series submissions should be grouped on a single URL and must have a minimum of (2) and a maximum of (5) pieces.