The Susquehanna Film Festival is the 1st festival of its kind to be held in historic Williamsport, PA by founder Tim Yasui, an LA-based film executive who was originally born and raised in Williamsport. Our Festival will celebrate and acknowledge not only international films, but also regionally produced feature films and short films from the Greater Pennsylvania and Mid-Atlantic states. We will encourage all film makers and young students also who are studying Film to submit their films which otherwise might be ignored by the national festivals.

We will have talented and independent judges who will help us determine the awards given to best Student Films, best Pennsylvania made films, best Documentary films, best short-films, best drama, best horror, best comedy, best animation. An Awards event will be held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania where we will announce the winners and present them with their awards on the Monday evening following the Saturday and Sunday Festival screenings.

Each film submission must be for a film that has not yet been commercially exploited on any digital platforms nor on physical media (i.e. DVD, Blu Ray disc etc). We will not accept any films with pornographic content or extreme political views condoning violence of any kind. Each submission must come with a guarantee that the person submitting has 100% rights to the content and approves this clearance for Festival screenings/Public screenings. If selected, the submitter must make available either a DCP file or a Blu Ray disc for screening playback, a high rez JPEG poster file and additional marketing information for inclusion in the Festival Program guide.