1.1 Taormina 68
International competition is limited to a maximum of 6 first or second feature films longer than 60 minutes. Only Italian premieres are eligible for selection.
1.2 Out of competition
Significant feature films are presented Out of Competition - in Italian premiere and by invitation.
2.1 Terms and conditions for admission
All works submitted to the Main Competition must be of recent production, completed not earlier than June 1, 2021 and they can not have been previously presented in any form or duration, not even as a work-in-progress, in the previous editions of TaorminaFilmFest. Rookie and sophomore directors are invited to provide information relating to their curriculum vitae, for purpose of research and documentation. Under no circumstances selected works could have been released abroad prior to August 1, 2021 and through on-demand platforms available in Italy.
2.2 Formats allowed
The only screening formats allowed are the following:
• Digital Cinema Package - DCP
• Blu-ray Disc
2.3 Registration fees
Submissions will be accepted from March 1, 2022. For each work submitted through FilmFreeway a fee of $50 is required. Festival will not pay screening fees for voluntary submissions.
2.4 How to do submission
In order to be eligible for the Official Selection, not later than May 31, 2022, it is necessary:
a) to fill out the pre-selection form (entry-form) at www.filmfreeway.com;
b) to pay the registration fee;
c) to upload movie file to the streaming service, exclusively via password-protected link which will be indicated at the time of registration;
d) to send a brief information sheet (up to 500 characters) about the director and the film along with useful information (synopsis, cast and crew, director's notes and production context) for the catalogue;
e) English subtitles are required for all films.
3.1 Notification
All selected works will receive a notification by June 10, 2022. Formal acceptance is required. No film may be withdrawn from the Festival programme after the acceptance. Successful submissions will receive information on shipping the film to the Festival, press and publicity, guest accreditation, contact information and how to make the most of participating in 68th Taormina Film Fest.
All selected film-makers get VIP passes that allow entry into all our Official Selection screenings, Ancient Theater movie nights and ceremonies, Red Carpet, Masterclasses with special guests, talks and panels, networking events and parties.
3.2 Programme
The invitation must be kept confidential until the programme is officially announced, under penalty of exclusion from selection. General schedule and screening times are the exclusive competence of Taormina Film Fest.
3.3 Copies
Selected works must be sent - not later than June 15, 2022 - to a specific server indicated by the festival organization or in downloadable electronic form with password-protected link.
Submitting parties must send otherwise at their own expense one DCP or Blu-ray Disk in original version with English subtitles for official and press screenings (including Italian-spoken movies)
Costs of English subtitles are in any case borne by right-holders. They are required to send dialogue lists both in English and original language.
3.4 Catalogue
All materials for the catalogue - synopsis (up to 500 characters), cast and crew, director's photo and biography (up to 500 characters), complete director's filmography, movie stills, director's statement (up to 500 characters) - must be sent not later than May 31, 2022, exclusively in electronic format and marked "Material for catalogue", to the email address submissions@taorminafilmfest.it.
3.5 Press materials
Press materials (press book, movie stills, trailer, etc.) must be sent to the email address submissions@taorminafilmfest.it by June 15, 2022. All promotional material must include the prominent statement "Official Selection 68th TaorminaFilmFest" by specifying "World / International / European / Italian Premiere".
3.6 Official logo
With explicit commitment of right-holders, any kind of advertisement has to announce, via the Official Logo, their participation in 68th TaorminaFilmFest. Award-winning films must also indicate the recognition obtained according to the official graphics provided by the Festival.
4.1 Shipping charges
All shipping and postage costs for DCPs and additional materials sent to and returned from TaorminaFilmFest (including any costs of transportation from Catania airport to Taormina and all fees incurred in customs) must be borne by the submitting parties.
4.2 Addresses
As regards DCP, the submitting party must contact the email address taorminafilmfest@videobank.it to request instructions for shipping. Blu-Ray disks as well as all materials sent by courier or post must be sent directly to the Festival address:
c/o Videobank S.p.A.
Via Vittorio Emanuele III, 178
Belpasso (CT), 95032 ITALIA
E-mail direzione@taorminafilmfest.it
Festival is not required to give back the submitted works unless they arrive with prepaid return packaging via express delivery service (courier or diplomatic bag). Return requests shall arrive not later than 31st July 2022.