Swindon Independent Film Festival is a festival of filmmakers for filmmakers & film lovers, for 4 days, back to back.
Swindon Independent Film Festival showcases the best in independent cinema, giving film makers a platform regardless of background.
We'll be based in a venue that is both brimming with Swindon History, and the local arts and culture.
For Swindon and District Filmmakers and our, World twinned towns and cities (Salzgitter in Germany, Ocotal in Nicaragua, Torun in Poland and Disney World in Florida!) entry is free! However - ALL are welcome.
We have several categories and awards all for 1 entry fee!
Discounts are available for previous entrants. We try to keep our fees low, including the one entry fee which enters films to all relevant Awards.
We also provide extra support for those who are protected by the UK Equality Act 2010 - so, if you require assistance with submission, please contact us via email at swindonfilmfestival@gmail.com
Best Short (Under 20 minutes)
Best Long Short Film (under 21 - 49 minutes)
Best Drama
Best Documentary
Best Comedy
Best Horror
Best International film
Best Young Film/Student Filmmaker
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best Lead Actor (Gender Neutral)
Best Supporting Actor (Gender Neutral)
Best in the South West (UK)
Festival Favourite Film