1. Submit online via www.filmfreeway.com.
2. All shorts must be under 30 minutes
3. You must provide contact information in the form of a valid email address and working telephone number.
4. You must own the public performance rights to all aspects the film submitted.
5. There is no fee if your film is submitted prior to our "Early Bird" deadline.
6. After the "Early Bird" deadline, but before final deadline, there will be a fee to submit a short film.
7. Rough/Fine Cuts: the festival will only accept one cut of each film for programming
consideration. If needed, the festival will request an updated version and will contact
those applicants directly. Please submit your film in the most complete and finished form possible.
8. Films must be in English or dubbed or subtitled in English (with narrow exceptions).
9. Time of Completion: Your film must have been completed within three (3) years of the year of the festival. For example, for the 2022 festival, your film should have been completed no earlier than 2019.
10. Entering the competition constitutes the permission of the author(s) for Snowtown Film Festival to use finalists' names, titles of the work, images and clips for publicity and promotions without any compensation. The festival will notify the finalist if pre-festival broadcast promotion is. anticipated.
1. Submit your screenplay online via www.filmfreeway.com.
2. Screenplay must be no longer than twenty pages, including title page, credits, notices, etc. and have a connection to the North Country: author, setting or potential filming location.
3. Screenplay must be in English.
4. Entrants must provide contact information in the form of a valid email address and working telephone number. Multiple authors for the same script are acceptable.
5. Entrant(s) must hold the right to perform, reproduce, display and distribute their work to enter the competition. The work must not have been previously optioned, sold or produced.
6. Festival Entry Fee: $15 entry fee ($10 for college students; no fee for Northern New York Middle and High School students). Partial waiver codes may be provided upon request.
7. Deadline for all entries will be announced.
8. Entering the competition constitutes the permission of the author(s) for Snowtown Film Festival to use finalists' names and titles of the work for publicity and promotions without any compensation.