The Smoky Mountain Film Festival is a multi-genre, independent film festival offering awards in several categories. The event takes place in Gatlinburg, TN, the foothills to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park! That's right, come enjoy a great festival and also explore one of the worlds most beautiful places!
Our number one goal is to produce events to support and get independent artists noticed and rewarded for hard work and quality art.
We are only accepting submissions via online screener (here on and exhibition films will need to be in MOV, MPEG or AVI formats if selected. We are not accepting DVD/BluRay/Hardcopy submissions any longer.
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Presented By:
Breaking Fate Entertainment
Best Film
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Cinematography
Best Writer
Best Editing
Best Music
Best Sound
More Information On The Smoky Mountain Film Festival Awards:
*Award Winners will be announced in a ceremony at the end of the festival. Winners in attendance will be presented a certificate. Those not in attendance can obtain a digital certificate to print via the official website within 48 hours after the close of the festival. Winners will also be posted in the news feed (front page) and Awards Page of within 48 hours of the close of the festival.
** Our Selection / Awards Procedure: Festival Director / Producers make official selections for the festival by vote. Official Selections are then screened/graded by 5 different judges anonymously and given an overall grade on a 5 point scale for each of the qualifying award categories (with the exception of the “Directors Choice Award”). All judges points are then added together to give it a grade. The top 3 films by grade in each category are then considered an award nominee and listed on this page. The film with the highest grade in each category is considered and announced that category’s award winner at the festival. In the event of a tie for highest grade, the festival director, festival producer and festival founder will each vote on the tied films giving the majority vote the award. In the event that one of the production staff are involved in one of the films involving a tie, a 3rd party will be selected to vote in place of the production staff member involved.