ShortsTV, the first and only global channel and network dedicated to short films and exclusive presenter of Oscar® Nominated Shorts theatrical releases, has launched and is accepting short films for the 2021 ShortsTV Worldwide Film Festival. ShortsTV remains steadfast in its advocacy for short-form filmmakers and emerging talent. The festival gives short filmmakers, throughout the United States, Europe, India and Latin America, the opportunity to submit their short films and the chance to be broadcasted globally on television in over 100 million homes through the ShortsTV channels. For more information on ShortsTV, please visit
Prizes totaling over *$40,000 USD in value will be awarded.
Prizes for Regional Selections:
• Short films will be televised on the regional feed of the ShortsTV network.
• Regional selections will be announced (via press release) in local newspapers and trade publications.
• Paid 3-year TV broadcast licensing agreement will be offered at the current ShortsTV regional licensing rate.
• Filmmakers will be interviewed for an on-air interview and it will be broadcasted alongside their short film.
• A select number of regional short films will move on to the global competition where more prizes will be awarded.
Prizes for Global Competition:
• Global selections will be televised globally on all the ShortsTV networks.
• Global selections will be announced (via press release) in Hollywood trade publications.
• Paid 3-year TV broadcast licensing agreement will be offered at the current ShortsTV global licensing rate.
• Global category winners will receive an award statue/plaque. Categories to be determined based on short film submissions.
• Five filmmakers will be selected to participate in “The Pitch” where one winner will be awarded $2,500 USD to put toward producing a new short film.
• 8 selected short films will receive a movie theater screening in Los Angeles, California for seven days and gain Academy Award qualification status.
NOTICE: Filmmakers reserve the right to decline any and all prizes awarded.
*Comprised of paid ShortsTV licensing agreements, press release fees, $2,500 USD The Pitch prize and fees for movie theater screenings.