The Seoul Animal Film Festival (SAFF) focuses on Korean and global animal rights issues. The film festival is hosted by the Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA), which was established in 2002 and has been engaged in various activities to promote domestic animal rights awareness. We aim for a world where animals can have a dignified existence and where all life coexists in balance and harmony. SAFF explores various topics on companion animals, wildlife, animals in show business, and animals exploited in agriculture and laboratory experiments. Through film, we focus on the lives of non-human animals and show the relationship between humans and non-human animals across a wide spectrum. By providing and propagating animal-related films that provoke thought and reflection, we seek to find alternatives to the existing human world and connect them with positive change and practice. SAFF avoids the use of plastic or disposable products for animals, nature, and humans, and produces promotional materials and goods at a minimum.

The Seoul Animal Film Festival is an annual event and consists of the competition and non-competition sections. SAFF, which celebrates its seventh anniversary this year, will be held in-person and online for seven days from October 17 to 23, 2024. We look forward to the participation of various filmmakers and films that sympathize with and support the vision and mission of the Seoul Animal Film Festival.

<Official Competition>
SAFF Competition (International Shorts Competition)
Best Short Film - 5,000,000 KRW
Audience Choice - 2,000,000 KRW

1. Organization
The Seoul Animal Film Festival (SAFF) is hosted by KARA (Korea Animal Rights Advocates) and organized by the executive committee of the Seoul Animal Film Festival.

2. Goals
The Seoul Animal Film Festival (SAFF) aims for a world in which animals can lead their own lives and have a dignified existence and where all life coexists in balance and harmony. To fulfil these goals, SAFF carefully selects films that focus on the lives and relationships of animals to communicate with the audience and provide a forum for discourse.

3. Festival Dates
The 7th Seoul Animal Film Festival will be held in-person in Seoul and online for seven days from October 17 to October 23, 2024.

4. Programs
The program of the 7th Seoul Animal Film Festival consists of the “competition” and “non-competition” sections. The program is subject to change depending on the circumstances.

1) Competition Section
- SAFF Competition (International Shorts Competition) : This section screen a variety of the latest short films with animal as subjects or themes, regardless of genre and format. (A short film must not be longer than 40 minutes.)

2) Non-Competition Sections
- Visions from Landscapes : This section introduces the latest, most talked about, or controversial works in animal films.
- Observatory : This section highlights and discusses in-depth all animal issues that emerge in Korean society.
- Polemincs : This section explores and shares discourses at different levels related to the global animal rights debate.

5. Awards
1) SAFF Competition (International Shorts Competition)
- Best Short Film: A cash prize of KRW 5,000,000 and a trophy.
- Audience Choice: A cash prize of KRW 2,000,000 and a trophy.

2) The Best Short Film is selected by the judges appointed by SAFF and the Audience Award is selected through a process of voting by the audience. The award results will be announced at the closing ceremony of the film festival.

6. Eligibility
1) Subject Matter
Films about animals, films from all genres that focus on the lives of animals and are related to humans in multiple ways, are welcome.

2) Format
1) In both the competition and non-competition sections, all types of films, including feature films, documentaries, experimental films, and animations, can be submitted.
2) Only short films with a running time of less than 40 minutes can be submitted to the International Shorts Competition. For entries in the non-competition sections, there is no restriction on the running time of the film.
3) The online screener must be submitted with a valid internet link till August 28, 2024. It must be the same version as the theatrical version submitted after its being made an official selection. If it is necessary to change the submitted screener or the film itself, be sure to consult with the SAFF authorities in advance.
4) In the case of Korean-language films, online screeners without English subtitles may be submitted.
5) The festival does not check copyright issues on aspects such as music, footage, etc., used in the submitted films when making the official selections and, therefore, does not take responsibility for any potential legal claims and issues arising from copyright infringement.
6) The shorts selected for the Competition Section will be screened in-person and online.
7) Films in the non-competition sections may be screened in-person and online. Online screening can be done based on mutual agreement.

7. Submission
1) How to submit : Access the online entry website of the Seoul Animal Film Festival (SAFF) and submit all the requested information and material. Online Entry Website - Link to Google Forms Page or FilmFreeway(
2) Call for Entries : 1 May 2024. Deadline for Entries : 31 July 2024. 23:59 (KST)
3) Date of Production : All films seeking entry should have been made after 1 January 2022.
4) Classification of Short and Feature Films : It is based on the running time. A film is classified as a short film if it is less than 40 minutes and a feature film is any film longer than 40 minutes.
5) Entry Fees : The Seoul Animal Film Festival (SAFF) does not charge any entry fee from filmmakers.
6) Formats of Entries : All entries must be submitted in digital formats.

8. Selection
1) Selection Process : The selected films will be announced through the film festival’s website, after individual notifications are sent to those who made submissions, before the festival is held.
2) Withdrawal of Entry and Cancellation of Selection : The film submission cannot be withdrawn after the official selection of the film is published on the website. Selection may be revoked in the following cases: In the case of submitting false information in the application form, in the case of intentional killing or harming of animals during the filming process, or in case of a person involved in the selected films being involved in an act that causes serious social controversy.
3) The section in which the submitted films will be screened is determined by SAFF.

9. Submission of Materials
1) Documentation or promotional materials of all the officially selected films must be submitted on or before the date and time to be specified after the selection. The materials submitted will be used to publish catalogs and for promotional purposes.
- Online screener (links, password, etc.)
- Original and English dialogue transcripts
- Credit information
- Director’s Bio and photo
- Stills from the film
- Posters, trailers, etc.

10. Submission of Prints
1) Prints (DCP/files) of the officially selected films must be submitted to the Seoul Animal Film Festival (SAFF) before or on the time and date to be specified after the selection. If the prints do not arrive within the specified time, the screening may be canceled.
2) The festival covers the shipping costs for a round-way only when the shipping is done using the official courier service designated by the festival. For Korean films, only domestic shipping costs are covered.

3) The festival will return the prints to the return address provided within four weeks after the festival ends.
4) In the case of non-Korean language films, the festival creates Korean subtitles for screening. The festival reserves all the rights to the subtitles and the subtitles will neither be provided nor given for free to the submitters. Based on the festival’s internal rules and regulations, SAFF can rent out the subtitles.

11. General Rules
Submitters must agree with the rules and regulations cited above when the film submission is completed.

Overall Rating
  • The festival coordinators were very timely in their responses to emails and questions regarding submission materials. They clearly communicated the purposes of requested materials (still images, director bio etc.) and made sufficient use of them on their social media platforms. Thank you once again for screening “Ode to Mittens” in the competition program. The publicity on social media was very helpful as well. I hope to one year submit a feature length film!

    October 2024
  • Thank you for including my film "Disappearing Jewels" Such an honor! A very well organized film festival with rapid responses, a great communication over all. I feel respected as a film director. Thank you.

    October 2023