See It. End It. Film & Arts Festival and Global Platform is a hybrid 2 day event with an online platform with additional films, art and performances, panel discussions, keynote addresses, and organization highlights with calls to action to contribute to the end of the growing epidemic of Human Trafficking. Art speaks to the heart, the heart inspires action, action ends slavery and brings freedom to the captives.
Our Mission:
To raise awareness about domestic and international human trafficking for the purpose of preventing the exploitation of the most vulnerable. To encourage contributions of film and the arts to ending human trafficking. To engage those in local communities to become aware of the dangers, and empowered by access to resources available, to contribute to the end of human trafficking. Through our live film and arts festival and global platform, is reaching families, communities locally and across the globe.
Our Vision:
Together, we plan to bring an end to human trafficking through community awareness and mobilization through an international film & arts festival as well as ongoing programs to raise community awareness of human trafficking threats and solutions.
Our 3rd Film & Arts Festival will be held on Friday, April 29th, 2022 from 5 PM -10 PM and Saturday, April 30th, 2022 from 10 AM - 10 PM in San Pedro, CA.
Hosted in the historic Warner Grand Theater, our festival highlights the alarming rise of human trafficking, the exploitation of children in the sex industrial complex, and those vulnerable to forced labor through a mix of survivor testimonies, panel discussion, Q&A sessions, and expert teachings. This year our featured highlights will be on survivors of trafficking, the threats to children, the exploitation of indigenous peoples, labor trafficking and more.
Our features visual and performing arts through film, music, arts, and other entertainment. Families can participate in the “kids zone” to enjoy a variety of activities.
Attendees of our festival will leave educated, inspired, and empowered to contribute to fighting human trafficking and avoid falling into the trap of human trafficking!
Experience compelling true stories of hope and resilience from actual survivors, listen to moderated panel discussions and Q & A sessions with survivors, industry experts, and filmmakers as we break down the barriers by inviting everyone to combine their knowledge, talents, skills, and abilities to diminish this crime against humanity.
Our objective is to shine a bright light on this hidden abuse so that it can no longer thrive in ignorance or the turning of a blind eye. This is our fight to win.
We welcome participation by artists and filmmakers of every genre to join us in this community collaborative so you can share your art at our festival.
See It - End It is a nonprofit program in partnership with the YWCA Harbor Area and South Bay. All sponsorships and in-kind donations are tax-deductible. Your support will help our festival reach its potential and will help our impact reach the necessary communities affected by human trafficking.
You are cordially invited to participate by submitting your films or artwork, joining our team as a volunteer, supporting as a donor, partner with us as a vendor or sponsoring us through with media or other contributions.
Please email us at to learn more about See It - End It and to partner with us on our 2022 Film & Arts Festival and Global Platform!
Certificates of Acknowledgement will be presented by the festival and local government officials such as the Mayor's Office and Representatives. This is not an awards festival but recognition is given to all who participate through all of the art forms contributed.