Sedicicorto started in 2004 and is held every year in the month of October in Forlì. The Festival aims at offering visibility to young authors and at representing an opportunity of meeting and exchange among film industry professionals.
Known for its quality programming and the friendly welcome offered to all guests and professionals attending the event, over the years Sedicicorto has proven to be the Italian short film festival with the largest number of submissions (over 3,000 films every years). Thanks to its consistent presence at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival & Market with the Italian Short Film Corner - organized in collaboration with the Italian CNC and other Italian short film festivals - and thanks to the collaboration with the network of European short film festivals of the EuroShort Project, Sedicicorto is constantly strengthening its image all over Europe.
The event aims at drawing the attention of the general audience, paying particular attention to children and the young audience with screenings and film literacy activities held during the Festival and all year round.

The first prize consists of the trophy Lumìnor + 300 € awarded to the best film from each of the following sections: MOVIE - ANIMALAB - CORTITALIA - ANIMARE - MENOD5 - CORTOINLOCO - STUDENT

01 - Associazione Sedicicorto promotes the 22^ Annual of SEDICICORTO International Film Festival, which will take place in Forlì (Italy) from 3-10-2025 to 12-10-2025

02 - The Film Festival is divided into 7 competitive sections and accepts submissions of any short film produced after 01-01-2024. The maximum running time allowed is 35 minutes (including credits):
a) MOVIE – International Fiction Films and Documentaries (ENTRY FEE: 10 $ )
b) ANIMALAB – International Animation and Experimental Films (ENTRY FEE: 10 $)
c) CORTITALIA – National Films of Any Genre (ENTRY FEE: 10 $)
d) ANIMARE – International Animated Films for Children (ENTRY FEE: 10$ )
e) MENOD5 – National and International Films of Any Genre up to 5 minutes (ENTRY FEE: 10 $)
f) CORTOINLOCO-Regional Films of any genre (ENTRY FEE: 10 $ )
g) STUDENT - Film Schools (ENTRY FEE 10 $ )

03 – Submission deadline is 31-05-2025. It is possible to submit works by following the procedures you will find on the following online platforms and websites: -
In case you are sending digital files (preferably in MP4 format), you can use the available file transfer programs, sending the files to:
The entry fee is 10$ for each short film submitted. Unless otherwise specified, the payment of the entry fee must be made via PayPal at the address:

04 - The Selection Committee may decide to vary the section specified in the entry form. The films can be included both in competitive and in non-competitive sections.

05 - The Festival Organization is not responsible for the copyright protection regarding the work(s) presented. The author of the film(s) must specify if he/she is in the register of SIAE or similar Authors’ Society for the protection of copyright.

06 - The Festival Jury, consisting of members from the artistic and academic fields, will decide the prize awards and the decisions of the jury are final. The list of the selected films will be published on the Festival official website by 5th September 2025 and the films included in this list will be screened during the Festival, whose program will be published on the website by 10th September 2025. The Festival can decide in which section include the film submitted.

07 - The first prize consists of the trophy Lumìnor + 300 € awarded to the best film from each of the following sections: MOVIE - ANIMALAB - CORTITALIA - ANIMARE - MENOd5 - CORTOINLOCO - STUDENT
As far as the prize money is concerned, it will be validated only with the presence of at least one film representative during the award ceremony. The Festival Organization reserves the right to cancel, vary, integrate awards and mentions. Prize money will be cash or sent by bank transfer within 60 days from the end of the Festival, subject to prior communication of the bank account details by the recipient.

08 - Hotel accommodation and meal vouchers will be provided in the forms decided by the organization, and only one representative for each finalist will be entitled to it, although exceptions may be considered by the organization.

09 - The participants authorize the Festival Organization to process the personal data (according to the Italian law 675/96) contained in their works and complementary material. They also authorize the Festival Organization to file their work(s) in the archives of the Organization Offices, where they will be catalogued and made available for any screening, event, and broadcast promoted by Associazione Sedicicorto or together other friendly festival, solely for cultural and not for commercial purposes (unless otherwise specified in the Entry Form at the moment of the submission). The participation implies full acceptance of all the above-mentioned conditions. The Organization reserves the right to cancel or modify the event, if necessary. These rules and regulations are available in Italian and in English. In case of interpretation problems, the Italian version must be considered.
For further information, please contact:
All notifications, together with any information that may not be explicitly provided in this call for entries, will be published on the Festival official website:

Overall Rating
  • Emilio Gelosi

    16corto is an amazing festival, with a highly supportive and talented staff, a lovely venue and a very competent audience. It was a honour to have the chance to screen our film in such a respected event.

    October 2024
  • Always a pleasure to come back to Forli to participate in this festival, a great team and a precise and delicate selection. Thank you for selecting my short film NATURE ATTACK.

    November 2023
  • It is a great pleasure to take part in such an important festival. I would like to thank the festival managers.

    October 2023
  • A great festival with uniqu atmosphere and very kind staff. Our film “Seance” was part of the 2021 festival and the director, Osher Bet Halachmi, had a terrific experience. Thank you and I hope to collaborate with you again in the future.

    October 2021
  • Miriam Previati

    Sedicicorto mi ha colpita soprattutto per due cose: la prima é la possibilità che offre di fare networking, offrendo tavole rotonde e appuntamenti con professionisti del settore, che accompagnano tutti i giorni del festival e che permettono di chiarire idee e di trovare contatti oltre che di ampliare il proprio punto di vista condividendolo con gli altri; la seconda é il focus sui cineasta della regione, cosa molto importante per chi come me si é allontanata dalla propria città perché "il cinema é solo a Roma". Fa sentire viva lariano di casa, e per me é cosa assai importante. Grazie per le splendide occasioni e speriamo di rivederci presto con un nuovo progetto!

    October 2021