『旋轉電影青春夢 Filming Youth! Driving Dreams!』
由台灣崑山科技大學視訊傳播設計系主辦的螺絲起子國際學生短片競賽影展已有17年歷史,吸引超過2000件作品報名參加。本影展第九屆起向全球徵件,目前已累積近百個作品於各國際影展播映及獲獎。第19屆除了頒發12個重要獎項外,將協助、補助入圍團隊報名國際影展,並補助兩組獲獎團隊機票前往國際影展,歡迎所有喜歡創作的青年學子共同參與,『旋轉電影青春夢』。To inspire students with more creativeness and film and TV creations, Department of Motion Pictures and Video & Graduate School of Media Arts in Kun Shan University, Taiwan, has launched international short film festivals and seminars starting from 2001. This is not only the nation’s first film festival held by the students, but also one of the few spontaneous student film festivals that has continued for almost a decade. It is now an indicative film festival of students’ creations and the largest international student film festival in southern Taiwan. The area of its submissions has now expended to the entire countries, helping it to gather video creation energy from worldwide young students and to become even more internationalized starting from 2014.
The 18th Annual Screwdriver International Student Short Film Festival not only expanded its area of submissions, but also provides a great amount of rewards. The work category includes short films (within 30 minutes), snap movies and animations. Besides, well-known directors, film critics, animator and other scholars and specialists will form a judge panel and vote for excellent works, which will be played at the awarding ceremony.

1. College-Short Film大專短片組:
Gold Award 650USD 金螺絲獎/新台幣2萬元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙
Silver Award 325USD 銀螺絲獎/新台幣1萬元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙
Bronze Award 160USD 銅螺絲獎/新台幣5千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙

2. College-Animation大專動畫組:
Gold Award 650USD 金螺絲獎/新台幣2萬元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙
Silver Award 325USD 銀螺絲獎/新台幣1萬元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙
Bronze Award 160USD 銅螺絲獎/新台幣5千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙

3. Honorable Mention 大專影視類特別獎(三組) 新台幣5千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙

4. High school-Unclassified Short Film 高中職不分類組:
Gold Award 160USD 金螺絲獎/新台幣5千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙
Silver Award 100USD 銀螺絲獎/新台幣3千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙
Bronze Award 70USD 銅螺絲獎/新台幣2千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙

5. 最佳導演獎/新台幣5千元/獎盃ㄧ座/獎狀ㄧ紙


1- In order to submit a film, you must own the rights or have permission from the owner.
2- The Festival relationship will exclusively be related to the film submitter.
3- Maximum length for short film allowed is 30 minutes.
4- Any Foreign film that is not in English must have English subtitles.
5- Submitters must present valid Student ID.
6- Not all the submissions are selected for the Official Competition. Our Judges are free to make their own choices and no answers will be given about not selected films.
7- Submitting your movie, you authorize 18th Screwdriver International Student Short Film Festival to use, distribute and share the film poster, trailer, synopsis and movie stills in our social media.
8- The applicants (submitters) must accept 18th Screwdriver International Student Short Film Festival’ s Rules and Terms.