S.O.U.L. Fest is a celebration of Black British talent in film, showcasing new features and shorts and allowing audiences the opportunity to see a diverse representation of Black Britain.

The festival is realised as a collaboration between three organisations who serve Black audiences and talent.

The British Blacklist is a media platform that celebrates the work of UK-based Black creatives and those of the wider Diaspora who work across Screen, Stage, Literature, and Sound.

We Are Parable specialise in film exhibition and believe in the storytelling power of events to enhance the experience of a cinema going audience.

S.O.U.L. Film a platform with the mission to make British Film and TV industry more diverse by celebrating and connecting BAME filmmakers and audiences.

Short films at S.O.U.L. Fest are in competition for the following awards:



The short film must have involved a person of BAME background (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic), in a KEY role (Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematographer or Lead Actor etc.)

It must be clear who the BAME role is; whether it's on screen or in your bio. If it is not clear, this may hinder your chances of selection.

The submitter must be UK-BASED as we expect, should your film be chosen, that you, your team or a representative, attend the screening and networking event to represent your work.
(Note: There will be interviews and marketing around the event so it is in your best interests that the filmmakers attend.)

If it is clear from your submission/bio that you are not based in the UK (Check your address and Country of Origin sections), you will be automatically disqualified.

You must have the legal right to submit the work and any supporting materials and by submission you give us permission to screen the work at a S.O.U.L. Fest event and utilise supporting material in our programme, website, social media and promotional materials.

Please note we can not accept short films longer than 20 minutes in duration for S.O.U.L. Fest events.

S.O.U.L. Fest is presented by S.O.U.L. Festival UK

S.O.U.L. Fest is an Annual event based at the BFI Southbank.

Programming decisions are made at the discretion of the S.O.U.L. Fest programming team.

No film selected may be withdrawn from the S.O.U.L. Fest programme after its publication.

S.O.U.L. does not pay fees to screen work.

All films in a language other than English must be subtitled in English, unless dialogue or commentary is unnecessary for comprehension and appreciation.

No cuts or changes to any submission will be made by S.O.U.L. management for any reason.

Please note it is not possible for us to return any DVDs/submission materials sent to us through open submissions.

Submission of a film represents agreement with the regulations set forth here.

The S.O.U.L. Fest Director reserves the right to settle any case not covered by these regulations.

Due to the number of submissions we receive, it is S.O.U.L. Fest's policy not to offer comments or reasons for films not selected for the programme.

S.O.U.L. Celebrate Connect ELIGIBILITY:

The short film must have involved a person of BAME background (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic), in a KEY role (Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematographer or Lead Actor etc.)

It must be clear who the BAME role is; whether it's on screen or in your bio. If it is not clear, this may hinder your chances of selection.

The submitter must be UK-BASED as we expect, should your film be chosen, that you, your team or a representative, attend the screening and networking event to represent your work.
(Note: Their will be interviews and marketing around the event so it is in your best interests that the filmmakers attend.)

If it is clear from your submission/bio that you are not based in the UK (Check your address and Country of Origin sections), you will be automatically disqualified.

You must have the legal right to submit the work and any supporting materials and by submission you give us permission to screen the work at a S.O.U.L. Celebrate:Connect event and utilise supporting material in our programme, website, social media and promotional materials.

Please note we can not accept films longer than 20 minutes for S.O.U.L. Celebrate Connect events.

S.O.U.L. Celebrate:Connect is presented by S.O.U.L.

S.O.U.L. Celebrate:Connect is a quarterly event based at the BFI Southbank.

Programming decisions are made at the discretion of the S.O.U.L. programming team.

No film selected may be withdrawn from the S.O.U.L. Celebrate:Connect programme after its publication.

S.O.U.L. does not charge fees for submission nor does S.O.U.L. pay fees to screen work.

All films in a language other than English must be subtitled in English, unless dialogue or commentary is unnecessary for comprehension and appreciation.

No cuts or changes to any submission will be made by S.O.U.L. management for any reason.

Please note it is not possible for us to return any DVDs/submission materials sent to us through open submissions.

Submission of a film represents agreement with the regulations set forth here.

The S.O.U.L. Celebrate:Connect Director reserves the right to settle any case not covered by these regulations.

Due to the number of submissions we receive, it is S.O.U.L. Celebrate:Connect's policy not to offer comments or reasons for films not selected for the programme.

Overall Rating
  • A great time was had. Met a lot of great people and future collaborations.

    September 2024
  • Such an amazing festival. The standard of work on display is just incredible. The atmosphere, the energy, the hospitality, the passion shown by everyone who comes together to make this event what it is, be it the organisers, filmmakers, sponsors etc. makes this a truly special festival to be a part of. X

    September 2023
  • Ikram Ahmed

    Fantastic festival!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to be involved. Wonderful to see our film on the big screen among so many other great films.

    October 2022
  • Carl Earl-Ocran

    A brilliant, insightful, and career-enhancing festival

    October 2020
  • Was really honoured to have our film 'elephant' screen at S.O.U.L Fest this year. Gutted that there couldn't be a physical festival, but I really have to applaud Iyare and the team for being so innovative to deliver a wonderful experience online. There were some truly wonderful films this year and to be in the mix with some fantastically talented filmmakers was humbling. Thank you. Dx

    September 2020