"Rome International Movie Awards" is a monthly online international film festival.
The "Eternal City" is considered the most beautiful city of the world, our mission is to promote films, and be another step up in the filmmakers' careers.
Each month, our jury selects the winners through private screenings.
- Certificate - all monthly winners receive a free digital certificate (in JPG), ready for print.
The trophy is optional: only winners may purchase the 'Capitoline Wolf' statuette, by submitting again the project in the 'TROPHY' category.
Films entered in multiple categories may win multiple awards!

In the last years, our festival has rewarded great artists, such as Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robin Williams, Ennio Morricone, Malcolm McDowell, Frank Stallone, Terrence Howard, Michael Gambon, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Danny Trejo, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Goblin, Pino Donaggio and Claudio Amendola 👍👍👍

"Rome International Movie Awards" is an official event on "IMDb". This means that all winners may add the awards to their "IMDb" titles.

--- CATEGORY AWARDS (monthly) ---

Best Feature
Best Drama
Best Comedy
Best Romantic
Best Dark Comedy
Best Horror
Best Thriller
Best Fantasy
Best Sci-Fi
Best Mystery
Best Crime
Best Action
Best Parody
Best Western
Best Animation
Best Documentary
Best Web Series
Best Music Video
Best Experimental
Best Trailer
Best Poster
Best Photography

--- CAST & CREW AWARDS (monthly) ---
Best Producer
Best Director
Best First Time Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Young Actor
Best Young Actress
Best Acting Duo
Best Acting Ensemble
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Sound Design
Best Original Score
Best Original Screenplay
Best Visual FX
Best Special FX
Best Costume Design
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Best Special Makeup
Best Production Design

By submitting your film to the "Rome International Movie Awards" the individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it understands and accepts these requirements, rules and regulations.

1. Upload an official poster
2. Synopsis
3. Vimeo link or upload your film to FilmFreeway submission page.

a. We do not accept DVD, Blue Ray or DCP files. We accept all genres in any language, from around the world. Please select the right category while submitting to avoid disqualification.

b. All films must include English or Italian subtitles (unless the spoken languages are English or Italian).

c. You agree to use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster/stills) for promotional purpose.

d. Winning categories varies every month depending on the submission we receive. If we think the categories submitted is not to a standard of "Rome International Movie Awards" win, it will be removed. Jury can also give extra awards.

e. Entry fees are non-refundable.

Overall Rating
  • Has been a pleasure to be part of Rome I. Movie Award, Communication and management are absolutely perfect

    September 2024
  • Marta Shkop

    Wow! What a great festival 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 love it so much! Thank you for the award 🥳 made me very happy! Can’t wait to submit my next film to your wonderful festival! 🙌

    September 2024
  • Un festival online che si presenta con un grande impatto visivo e con il fascino della Città Eterna. Molto puntuali nelle notifiche, ben radicati nei social e precisi nel giudicare i lavori. Siamo contentissimi del premio ricevuto per il nostro "The Mine" e iscriveremo sicuramente le nostre prossime opere.

    September 2024
  • David Glass

    Fantastic experience! I am excited to have been honored with winning the Best Experimental and Best Poster award for September! Thank you RIMA for selecting my film Breaking Out and having me be a part of a creative group of film makers from around the world!

    September 2024
  • Classy as they get love Damian

    September 2024