Terms of participation
1. Films
The films to be included in the program of the 3rd "REFLECTION OF
DISABILITY IN ART" Festival must meet the following conditions:
a) The films are relevant to the content of the festival
b) Final projection shots are available in DCP, Apple ProRes, h264 or MPEG4.
(c) Acceptable types: all
(d) These films should have English subtitles.
The application shall be accompanied by:
• A digital copy of the film, under the conditions of the 1st Term of this Invitation,
• A photograph of the movie (format: jpeg or tiff 300 * 300dpi),
• A summary of the film's case of up to 200 words, describing the way(s) be which the active participation of People with Disabilities as actors, directors or other, has been accomplished,
• In case of submission by a body, a description of the body’s activity up to 500
• The director’s biography,
• Completed list of information as follows:
• year of production,
• format,
• duration,
• director,
• producer,
• editing,
• music.
These films if possible need to be featured with an audio description [AD: Audio Description] for visually impaired people and with subtitles [SDH: Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing] for hearing impaired people.