ROFFEKE is pronounced "rafiki" which is a Swahili word meaning "friend". 'Friendship, Fun, Freedom' is the motto of the ROck 'n' ROll Film FEstival, KEnya.
The main objectives of ROFFEKE are:
1)To showcase local and international rock "n" roll films and music videos for the purposes of education and entertainment.
2)To organize workshops, forums and seminars related to various aspects of rock music and the film industry.
3)To provide a platform for emerging and established, local and international rock bands.
The mission of ROFFEKE is to promote rock 'n' roll music in Kenya by dispelling rock 'n' roll myths and misconceptions via the medium of film.
ROFFEKE will publicize your film, music video or screenplay on the ROFFEKE blog, on Twitter and/or on Facebook.
If your film or music video is on YouTube, it will be added to a special ROFFEKE2024 YouTube Playlist.
Previous ROFFEKE YouTube playlists include:
ROFFEKE Official Selection 2021 (Partial Listing)
ROFFEKE Official Selection 2020
ROFFEKE International Happiness Day
ROFFEKE Official Selection 2015
ROFFEKE World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2020 - Your window to the world of Friendship, Fun, Freedom
ROFFEKE University: Lesson 1 - Slave Trade, The Blues and Rock 'n' Roll
ROFFEKE University: Lesson 2 - Masks
ROFFEKE Conference