*** Se você deseja inscrever um trabalho brasileiro, vá direto em www.riowebfest.net***

The Ministry of Culture and Petrobras present 'Rio WebFest: 10 years'. Our mission is the continuity of the biggest web series festival in the world! Many thanks to Petrobras, our Exclusive Sponsor, 'Petrobras Cultural' program, and the Federal Government's Culture Incentive Law - Union and Reconstruction.

Rio Webfest traditionally takes place in November, in the Wonderful City of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. It is four days of an incredible meeting between creators. There are keynotes, workshops, business rounds, pitching sessions, gala events, parties, screenings and the competitive exhibition, whose prizes are awarded at the Rio Webfest Awards, the closing night of the festival.

In the competitive exhibition, your project will compete for Personalized Trophies, the Zés, and Silver Tickets, official direct selection for other webfests partners of the International Web Fests Circuit. We have partner festivals from all over the world, including Los Angeles, Marseille, Bilbao, Toronto, Miami, Rome, Lima, Gießen and Apulia.

Above all, Rio WebFest is a space for creators to get to know each other, form partnerships and strengthen their production power, multiplying the reach of their stories.

You can submit your filmed content: web series, dance videos, music videos, art videos, trailers, filmed stage plays an web advertisements.

You can also submit Podcast series, Audiodramas and Actual Play.

Or even if your project is drawing and creating comics made available on mobile devices, there is the WebComic category for you.


> Can I submit a short film?

A: At the festival, content with at least two episodes can be submitted, including web series, micro series, podcasts, video dances, music videos, video art, trailers, web comics, or web advertisements. We have several categories and many of them accept single films, but specific categories for short, medium and feature films do not exist.

> My web series has more than one genre, what should I do? / I don't know which category my web series fits into, where do I register? / I don't know which category my single video fits into. How do I fill out the registration form?

A: When submitting, pick the genre that you believe your content fit into. However, in the selection process, this may change. When we watch all the content, we will try to allocate your project in the category that best represents it.

> Is there a minimum requirement to submit? Which episodes do I choose?

A: In this case, the choice of episodes is at your discretion, depending on what you find most interesting to share with us. Initially, there are no restrictions on minutes or content. From the moment it is selected, moving on to the official selection, we will ask a screening copy to shown at the festival to up to 12 minutes, so that it can be included in the screening schedule.

> Why is there a submission fee?

A: The festival's construction processes begin in January, and last throughout the year, including completely free events such as Summit Rio WebMercado and @cesso, the submission fee is fundamental for us to be able to guarantee the event year after year. It is worth mentioning that the fee helps us to screen your content, in experience with other event models, the exemption from the registration fee was accompanied by a large volume of content that did not meet the event's requirements. Also indicate that Rio WebFest does not sell products, what we have on event days is offered free of charge to the public. With the exception of the Opening and Awards ceremonies, everything else is completely free.

> Are there submission limits per creator?

A: There is no limit to registrations per producer, but each submissions pays a new registration fee.

> If my series is not selected, will you refund the registration money?

A: There are no refunds. Please read this carefully before signing up.

> My web series already participated in last year's festival. Can I participate again?

A: Yes! Participate in all editions if you wish. Our goal is for creators to meet, and for productions to gain many opportunities.

> How does the selection process work?

A: The festival team receives applications, then evaluates all content. Our search as a curator is always for quality, for what highlights your product or its story. Therefore, if your content is nominated for any category, it will be part of the official selection for that edition. Nominations are announced via live broadcast on the Official Selection, then the list of nominations is published on our website.

> How does the festival jury work?

A: The Technical Jury is made up of a minimum of 50 national and international professionals, invited to this exercise, who have an interest, connection, or expertise with the universe of web series. Initially, each member of the jury is invited to judge some categories, and can judge all of them if they wish. The entire judging process is online, with the files sent for exhibition as analysis material. The results are only analyzed on the eve of the Awards, and the winners are announced live only during the awards ceremony.

> I read in the regulations that my series must be subtitled in English. How does it work?

A: If you are nominated in any category, your work will be included in the Official Selection. In this case, you must resend the file with English subtitles so that the international jury can evaluate your work.

> My web series hasn't been filmed yet. Can I participate?

A: Check out the Super Project and Webpiloto categories.

> I've already filmed my series, but I only have one episode ready, the pilot. Can I register for the festival?

A: Check out the Super Project category. For the competitive show, there are single video categories, but web series require a minimum of two episodes.

> Can I go to the festival to meet and make contacts, even without submitting? / My series was not selected, can I go to the festival?

A: Of course you can! Rio WebFest is a gathering, your presence makes it exist and makes it be worthy. The festival's attractions are free for everyone to participate, with only the opening party and awards being charged.

> What is the minimum age to participate?

A: The event requires a minimum age of 16 to participate.

> What are the categories?

A: Over the years, the festival has become increasingly comprehensive in its categories, seeking to embrace the concepts of mobile, discuss digital productions, and the formats of audiovisual productions. We ask that you browse the website until last year's edition, this way you will see what the categories were and it will serve as a projection.

> What is the SUPER PROJECT?

A: It is the opportunity to meet with international and national producers. Remembering that filling out the project registration form and paying the fee do not guarantee a place in the business rounds or pitching sessions. Only projects selected by the festival, chosen by the players, will have this opportunity.

The Super Project is divided into two fronts: Business Rounds and Pitching. Business rounds are meetings where creators will have the chance to talk directly with national and international players about their projects. In pitching, 10 selected projects will make a presentation to a panel of players and compete for a Zé trophy.

IMPORTANT: The pitching presentation is in person, at Cidade das Artes, during the festival. Keep in mind that, in case of selection, you must show up in person at the location. Participation in business rounds can be online or in person.

It is important to highlight that all conditions for a potential business will be discussed directly with the players, the festival only provides the opportunity for the meeting.

> What is Web Pilot?

A: The Web Pilot is an opportunity for creators who have an idea for a pilot and would like to film it during the festival days. To register, you must fill out the registration form and pay the fee. Our team will select 10 ideas to film during the Rio Webfest days. The winner will receive a Zé Trophy.

During the first three days of the festival, the selected teams will have to film, edit and deliver their pilot episodes with a maximum duration of 2 minutes, by the deadline stipulated in that edition. It's important to keep in mind that you must use your own equipment, such as cameras, computers for editing, clothing, lighting, etc. and its own team of actors, directors, art designers, etc. The festival is not responsible for or provides any equipment or crew members to help creators film their pilots.


Best Comedy Series
Best Writing (Comedy)
Best Directing (Comedy)
Best Female Performance in a Comedy
Best Male Performance in a Comedy
Best Ensemble Performance (Comedy)

Best Dramatic Series
Best Writing (Drama)
Best Directing (Drama)
Best Female Performance in a Drama
Best Male Performance in a Drama
Best Ensemble Performance (Drama)

Best Action Series
Best Writing (Action)
Best Directing (Action)
Best Female Performance in an Action Series
Best Male Performance in an Action Series
Best Ensemble Performance (Action)

Best Documentary Series
Best Variety Series
Best Educational Series
Best Directing (Non-Fiction)
Best Writing (Non-Fiction)
Best Performance (Non-Fiction)
Best Lifestyle

Best Musical Series
Best Trailer
Best Web Advertisement
Best Stories
Best Influencer
Best Diversity Series
Best Music Video
Best Dance Video
Best Performance Video
Best Original Idea
Best Filmed Theater
Best WebComics
Incentive to Brazilian Digital Production
RioWF Internacional Circuit

Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Costume Design
Best Production Design
Best Makeup
Best Soundtrack
Best Visual Effects
Best Sound Design
Best Production
Best Videographics

Best Infantile-Juvenile Series
Best Infantile-Juvenile Performance

Best Animated Series

Best Fiction Podcast
Best Non-Fiction Podcast
Best Cast (Podcast)
Best Directing (Podcast)
Best Podcast Actual Play Video or RPG Video or Video Cast
Best Standalone Audio Fiction

Best Brazilian Series
Best International Series
Popular Vote
Web Pilot

Meeting Sessions with international TV and VOD producers (find out more at www.riowebfest.net).

Direct Selection to Melbourne Web Fest (Australia)
Direct Selection to Los Angeles Web Fest (USA)
Direct Selection to Seoul Web Fest (South Korea)
Direct Selection to Webfest Berlin (Germany)
Direct Selection to Sicily Webfest (Italy)
Direct Selection to Digital Media Fest (Spain)
Direct Selection to Die Seriale (Germany)

Welcome to Rio WebFest, an international web series festival that will take place in 2025, on the 28th, 29th, 30th of November and the 1st of December, organized, produced and curated, since 2015, by Charlotte Produções e Eventos Ltda , registered with CNPJ/MF nº 07.796.445/0001-79, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, through its founders, Daniel Archangelo and Leandro Correa da Silva.

We are looking for creators of audiovisual content for the internet. Our main product for analysis are web series. Aware that the concept of mobility is advancing, and that the digital universe goes beyond cell phones and computers, we accept different types of content and will analyze, case by case, their specifications. Always emphasizing that the event production team has full independence in making its decisions.

As every event of this nature needs to be guided by a series of guidelines, rules and transparency, this regulation was created to help you, participant, creator, to better understand the rules of our competitive exhibition and festival guidelines. Let's go!

2.1 Any audiovisual product with the characteristics provided for in each registration category available can participate in the Rio WebFest (or RioWF) competitive exhibition, and the registration of these products must be carried out by a technical person, whose proof of link with the product may be required, for example, in the case of legal questions, matters related to copyright, trademark registration, among others.

2.2 Technical managers may be a natural person, of any nationality, as long as they are at least 16 years old on the date of registration, or a formally constituted legal entity, also of any nationality, and their registration data must be presented for identification purposes and eventually in cases of any legal issues that may arise.

2.3 The technical managers who register for this competitive exhibition will be solely responsible for decisions and any contacts with the RioWF Organization, and all official communications will be made via the contact email provided when registering the registration. If for any reason, after registration, the RioWF organization is informed that there are conflicts regarding the legitimacy of the technical person responsible to represent the registered audiovisual product, the RioWF organization reserves the right to reassign it to the holder. to demonstrate, documentally, its legitimacy. If this reassignment is not possible, for any reason, the registration will be considered null and the participation of the audiovisual product it represents will be cancelled.

2.4 When registering at RioWF, the participant declares that: I) agrees with the festival regulations; II) agrees to the use of your image, voice, and excerpts from the registered audiovisual product to promote the event, without any burden falling on RioWF and its organizers; III) agrees to live broadcasts on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Kwai, Youtube, X, TikTok, on radio and television channels.

2.5 RioWF is, in itself, a space for content production and promotion, and, therefore, there are many cameras and interview opportunities in which those responsible who attend the event will have countless opportunities to promote their work. It is important to highlight that the release of image, voice, and excerpts of the registered audiovisual product will be posted in all environments where RioWF takes place, annually, and subsequent complaints in this regard are not possible.

3.1 Registrations must be completed within the deadlines determined and published on the official RioWF website, being subject to changes, at the discretion of the organization of this competitive exhibition.

3.2 To register, the technical manager must provide the following information in their registration form: 1) Full name or company name, 2) Identification document number – CPF, CNPJ or Passport number, 3) Email , 3) City-UF, 4) Country, 5) Full address, 6) ZIP code, 7) Name of the technical person with CPF and email (in case of company registration).

3.3 Registered audio visual products must have the following information in their registration form: 1) Original Title of the Project, 2) City of Production, 3) State of Production, 4) Country of Production, 5) Type of Entry – Web series, Poscast, Influencer, Trailer, Music Video, Videodance, Performance, Web advertising, Filmed Theater, RPG Video, Webcomic, or Videocast, 6) Genre – Comedy, Drama, Action, Sci-Fi, Horror, Non-Fiction, Children's Animation, Webcomic, RPG or Actual Play, Performance, 7) Links to two episodes or a single link to single videos and the respective Password (if you have one), 8) Brief Synopsis, 9) Name of the Director, 10) Name of the Producer , 11) Name of the Main Cast members, 12) Name of the Team members, 13) File with art from a promotional Poster and 14) How you discovered the Festival

3.4 The data provided when registering each audiovisual product participating in this competitive exhibition will be the only means of communication used to contact each technical manager. Therefore, active email information is mandatory, as well as constant monitoring, so that you do not stop receiving communications from the RioWF Organization.

3.5 Since one of RioWF's objectives is to promote the dissemination of audiovisual products in the most comprehensive and inclusive way possible, web series that have already participated in the festival can register again, without restrictions.

3.6 Whenever there is a change in the start or end dates of registrations, these will be widely publicized on RioWF's official website, its social networks, and other means of communication that are available.

3.7 Creators responsible for audiovisual products may register their products without quantity limitations or restrictions on the categories accepted at RioWF, with the exception that each registered content requires the payment of its own registration fee.

3.8 Multiple entries for the same content (same episodes) may be accepted, but will not, under any circumstances, increase the chances of nomination.

3.9 Although there is no duration limit for each episode at the time of registration, each selected work can occupy a maximum viewing time of up to 10 minutes (including credits). If the length of the registered video is more than 10 minutes, a shorter version, or one that ends within the requested time – 10 minutes, must be sent. If this file is not sent, we will spend the time indicated here, ending when the limit is reached.

3.10 All those responsible for submitting products that make up the official selection must send a file with English subtitles to the festival for consideration by the technical jury, regardless of their country of origin.

3.11 Entries for selected products are required to provide a high-resolution copy of the episode(s) encoded in .mp4 or .mov at 1080p, H264 codec, 10Mbps maximum bitrate, 23.98 fps or 29.97 fps, NTSC . The organization emphasizes that it is the responsibility of registrants to check the files before sending them. Corrupted files cannot be analyzed by the jury, jeopardizing participation in this competitive exhibition.

3.12 The RioWF organization encourages and encourages participants to present their audiovisual products to participate in this competitive exhibition with all accessibility features (subtitles and sign language), as their presence demonstrates compliance with the international standards currently in force in the audiovisual products market.

3.13 The RioWF organization encourages and encourages participants with audiovisual products in languages ​​other than Brazilian Portuguese to present their products for participation in this competitive exhibition with subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese.

3.14 At the time of registration, it is mandatory to send the files of the participating audiovisual product or, alternatively, links to access them. These links must remain active and functioning, being the responsibility of the creator or creator who made the registration. Inactive links will harm participation in this competitive exhibition, as they will make it impossible for the jury to analyze them.

4 Registration Categories

4.1 Web series: serial audiovisual products


Minimum of two episodes;
Published or unpublished product;
Any minute (there is no minimum or maximum duration limit for content);
Any format (horizontal or vertical);
In the case of registration for the same web series in which two different seasons are registered, or two other episodes in a different registration, the evaluation will be on the work as a whole, and it is not possible for two seasons of the same web series to compete with each other, as the two seasons registered will be evaluated.

4.2 Unique Films: in the categories of VideoDance, VideoClip, VideoArt, WebAdvertising, Trailer, Filmed Theater.


Published or unpublished product;
Any minute (there is no minimum or maximum duration limit for content);
Any format (horizontal or vertical);

4.3 Comics


It must present continuity, being a serial product;
Published or unpublished product;
Non-animated cartoons.
5 Dates, Deadlines and Registration Fees

5.1 Registration for the RioWF competitive exhibition begins on 02/01 and will close on 09/10.

5.2 All registrations will be carried out 100% online.

5.3 All registrations on the official RioWF website, or via FilmFreeway must be paid by credit card or pix.

5.4 The registration fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.

5.5 Registration values ​​vary according to the deadlines in which they are made, and the sooner the product is registered, the lower the amount to be paid, according to the deadlines below:

I) R$ 80.00 (until 04/30)
II) R$ 100.00 (until 07/31)
III) R$ 120.00 (until 10/09)

5.6 Unless otherwise stated, registration for competitive exhibitions closes on 10/09.

5.6.1 In case of extension of registration deadlines, the amount of R$ 120.00 will be charged until the end of any new registration window.

5.7 Registrations for the Super Project and Web Pilot, from 09/11, will have a value of R$ 120.00, with registrations for the Super Project closing on 10/30and registrations for the Web Pilot ends on 11/06.

5.8 Payment of the registration fee and filling out the registration form do not guarantee official selection for the prize or participation in the Super Project pitching or meeting sessions. The RioWF Organization will pre-select those registered and publish an official selection, in accordance with these regulations (item 7).

General Rules
6.1 The RioWF Organization is sovereign in all its decisions, including the distribution of awards, trophies and laurels, and is free to modify them, if necessary. Decisions will always be made with a focus on dialogue and conciliation. Once these options are exhausted, the final, non-appealable decision will be made by the RioWF Organization.

6.2 The RioWF Organization reserves the right to include new guidelines at any time, modify any of these regulations, or even pass new regulations during the event.

6.4 The creators of audiovisual products, registered with RioWF, are fully responsible for the copyright of all works included in the videos sent, such as soundtrack, logo and supporting images. If the copyright holder claims them, RioWF cannot be held responsible.

6.5 Creators responsible for audiovisual products, registered with RioWF, are fully responsible for the functioning of the links sent for curation throughout the period from registration to official selection, as well as for the consequences of their malfunction.

6.6 During the award ceremony, trophies may be delivered to any representative of the work or person responsible for the entry form, with exceptions that must be sent in writing before the award ceremony. If the winner is not present to receive it in person, the trophy may be sent by post, provided that one of the creators responsible for the RioWF winning audiovisual product pays for the shipping costs of the trophy(s) received.

7 Selection

7.1 The official selection of the RioWF competitive exhibition will be announced in October, via live broadcast, and all registrants will be notified of the date and time of its announcement and result, by communication to be sent to the email provided in the registration accomplished.

7.2 The results of the RioWF Super Project will be communicated to all registrants by email about the result.

7.3 The results of the RioWF Web Pilot will be revealed in a post on social media, and all registrants will be notified by email about the result.

7.4 The registered audiovisual products will be analyzed and selected, according to the following criteria: quality of narrative and production, acting, originality, photography, sound and other technical categories, communicability, interactivity and clipping and adaptation to language and format choices.

7.5 Audiovisual products that are the only representatives of a country, region of Brazil or the only representative of a region of Brazil will be automatically selected and nominated for a festival category, as their presence directly promotes new productions, as long as this product:

I- comply with all technical requirements of this regulation;

II- the registration was carried out correctly, with all required fields completed and the corresponding registration fee paid;

8 Exhibitions of the Selected

8.1 Screenings of the audiovisual products selected in this competitive exhibition will be held during the festival dates, at the discretion of the RioWF Organization.

8.2 Every effort will be made to adhere to the published schedule, however, if a last-minute change to the schedule is necessary, the RioWF Organization may make changes at any time, for any reason, at the discretion of the RioWF Organization, as well as in unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure.

9.1 One winner will be awarded, in each category in this edition of the RioWF Competitive Exhibition, with a Zé Trophy (the official trophy of RioWF), the audio visual product that has achieved the highest scores in each of the evaluated criteria by the RioWF Technical Jury.

9.2 The Technical Jury is made up of at least 50 invited professionals, from different areas, national and international, from a total of 100 invitations made to each edition, and this number may therefore always vary, more or less.

9.3 Each member of the jury analyzes only a few categories, from a sample of around 3 hours of content.

9.4 The entire process is done online, using a form containing the contents for judging and the evaluation fronts.

9.5 If the jury member has judged the categories initially indicated and wants more categories, they can request the event coordination.

9.6 The Technical Jury has complete freedom to judge the works based on their criteria and the way they evaluate the contents.

9.7 The festival uses the sum of the scores to reach the final result. In the event of a tie in scores between national and international content, the national content will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie between national content, democratization in the distribution of prizes will be observed, with the title that obtained the fewest awards being declared the winner.

9.8 If the forms are incorrectly completed by one or more members of the Technical Jury, at any discretion, the evaluation in question will be cancelled.

9.9 To resolve any impasse, or nullity of the evaluation for any reason, the final decision on the winners will be made by the organizing curators of RioWF.

Silver Tickets Partner Festivals
10.1 Silver Tickets (direct selection for partner festivals) are a courtesy exchanged between festivals and, therefore, are the responsibility of the partner festival and not the RioWF Organization.

10.2 The RioWF Organization will inform, by email, the contact details of the winners of the partner festival, who will then request documents and other information necessary for the automatic selection offered for the competitive exhibition of the partner festival.

10.3 Silver Ticket winners, in turn, are responsible for issuing these documents and meeting the demands of partner festivals in a timely manner.

10.4 RioWF cannot be held responsible if a partner festival ceases to exist or cancels the prize in its name, for any reason.

10.5 Silver Tickets are non-transferable and cannot be postponed to subsequent years.

Rules for Participation in RioWF In-Person Events
11.1 Participants will be directed to accreditation upon arrival at the festival and, there, will receive a badge, as well as all initial instructions.

11.2 Free entry and exit to the event is permitted.

11.3 Participants must take care of their identification badges, which are necessary so that the team can recognize them and so that they can have guaranteed access to the event space. The use of the badge is mandatory on all days and times of the event.

11.4 RioWF is not responsible for the costs of accommodation, food, transfers, fees and other expenses of any nature, for creators who come to, or participate in, the event.

11.5 The sale or commercialization of any product is not permitted during RioWF and, if commercial practices are caught in the event environment, the RioWF Organization reserves the right to take appropriate measures and inform the interested authorities and respect the measures that must be sockets.

11.6 All RioWF participants are responsible for their belongings and equipment, and no responsibility can be attributed to RioWF in the event of damage, theft, or any other loss due to misuse or abandonment thereof.

11.7 RioWF is held in places that offer all participants countless possibilities, and will continue to do so as long as everyone pays close attention to the facilities, environment and teams present.

11.8 During the event, some doors will have notices from the production that that room has exclusive uses, these guidelines must be respected, in order to maximize the organization, efficiency and safety of everyone.

11.9 Every day of RioWF, there will be a catering table available to all participants with food and drink options, as well as other delicacies at different times.

11.10 RioWF does not provide or serve meals, but the organization may indicate options for food establishments located around the event site. In addition, it will be possible for participants to order food and drink delivery of their choice, via apps or other means they have access to. Important: the organization of these requests, as well as their receipt, is the sole responsibility of each participant.

11.11 The RioWF Organization will not provide plates, forks, household utensils and the like for meals.

11.12 Participants are allowed to bring food and drinks they deem convenient, and it is not possible for the RioWF Organization to store or heat-condition any food item or liquid of any nature.

11.13 RioWF's programming is intense and rich, lasting from morning to night. Most actions are only ten minutes apart. It is the responsibility of the participants to organize so that they can enjoy the program, as well as the networking and rest moments.

11.14 Participants are not allowed to display posters or display any type of catalog or pamphlet without the authorization of the RioWF Organization, with the exception of business cards or networking materials used in personal exchanges.

11.15 Failure to comply with the guidelines set out here may put the event at risk, and, in cases where the RioWF Organization deems there is a need, appropriate measures will be taken to re-establish order.

11.16 The RioWF Organization reserves the right to include new guidelines at any time, modify any of these regulations, or even pass new regulations during the event.

12.1 Registration for the Web Pilot will be carried out by correctly filling out the form and paying the registration fee.

12.2 Once carried out correctly, following item 12.1, 10 Web Pilots will be selected, at the discretion of the RioWF curators, therefore,

12.3 Each selected idea will have three days to produce its pilot episode (which includes script, filming and editing).

12.4 The pilot may contain images filmed in other locations, however, it must have scenes filmed during RioWF.

12.5 Web Pilots must be sent online by email to contact@riowebfest.net, via wetransfer, dropbox or other similar cloud service.

12.4 The maximum length of the video is 2 minutes, including credits. There is no minimum duration.

12.5 Web Pilots delivered correctly and on time may be shown in a Web Pilot session, this decision varies from year to year, and depends on demand at Cinema RioWF.

12.6 The category winner will be revealed during the RioWF Awards.

12.7 Teams are responsible for their own equipment, personal belongings or any other costs related to the production of their Webpilots.

12.8 All material used in the videos, such as soundtrack, artwork, etc., will need to have the appropriate licenses, authorizations and other permissions from the respective rights holders, brands, among others.

12.9 The location hosting RioWF has complete freedom to change decisions, as well as requirements, regarding filming in the external area of ​​its establishment. Every year we update on this topic and its possibilities.

12.10 RioWF is not permitted to authorize filming in internal areas (rooms, theaters, etc.) of the location where the event takes place.

12.11 Traditionally, there is a lot of wind at the event location, therefore, it is the responsibility of the creators to protect their audio recording equipment so as not to harm the sound capture.

12.12 Videos delivered after the deadline will not compete for festival awards.

12.13 Projects classified for the Web Pilot do not participate in the Creators Panel. However, there will be plenty of opportunities for creators to promote their projects and share ideas during the festival days.

12.14 All rules mentioned in the caput to this, which concern the general functioning of RioWF, fall under this supplement.


13.1 Registration for Business Rounds will be carried out by correctly filling out the form and paying the registration fee.

13.2 Registration does not guarantee participation in the business rounds. Once carried out correctly, following item 13.1, the projects will be presented to the players who will be participating in the current edition, and it is up to them, with total independence, to choose the projects with which they wish to meet.

13.3 Each meeting lasts 8 minutes, despite this, each of the players/platforms has the autonomy to end before or after the pre-established time.

13.4 Meetings can take place in person or online, this specification being agreed in advance, through communication sent to the email included in the registration made.

13.5 The stipulated times will meet the players' schedules, with it being clarified that the date and time for the round may be any date and time within the RioWF, with the proponent being required to be available up to 30 minutes before the requested time.

13.6 A maximum number of two people are allowed to present each project.

13.7 The Meeting is private and it is not possible to interact with the presentations.

13.8 The meetings are filmed and these images remain with the RioWF Organization for control, being the exclusive property and use of the RioWF Organization.

13.9 The proponent is entirely responsible for his presentation, and, for this reason, he must bring everything necessary to carry it out. No laptops, tablets or cell phones will be available to candidates.

13.10 Considering that there may be failures in the internet connections available at the event location, it is necessary for proponents to bring their material for offline access.

13.11 It is mandatory for creators, participants and proponents to take care of the environment where RioWF events will take place, especially in taking care of the volume of voice or media, and, for this reason, the RioWF Organization suggests the use of headphones, whenever ambient sound may be affected or affect a performance.

13.12 Players are invited to participate in RioWF, and even accepting this commitment, it is possible that some situation may occur that could prevent the meeting. In this case, with the authorization of both parties, their contact details will be informed so that there is the possibility of future dialogue. This is the only action that RioWF can take. From now on, it is understood that the rounds are spaces for dialogue to seek alignments of interests. This space opens up possibilities, but does not guarantee awards, or income, or hiring of any kind.

13.13 Some rounds are in English, and if necessary, translation assistance will be made available to participants through a member of the team who is fluent in English, but it is important to indicate that this member who will be providing translation assistance does not have permission to interfere or mediate your presentation.

13.14 All rules mentioned in this regulation, which concern the general functioning of RioWF, fall under this supplement.


14.1 Registration will be carried out by correctly filling out the form and paying the registration fee.

14.2 Registration does not guarantee participation in Pitching. Once carried out correctly, following item 14.1, the ten projects best evaluated by the players and RioWF curators will be invited to Pitching.

14.3 The presentation is in person, with the date and time set by RioWF. Attendance is mandatory and the absence of the proponent is grounds for disqualification.

14.4 Each presentation has a maximum duration of 02 (two) minutes, there is no minimum duration.

14.5 The presentation is entirely oral, there should be no supporting materials. The proponent is expected to defend his project, nothing more.

14.6 The Proponent is responsible for any costs involved in their participation, review the caput of this regulation.

14.7 Pitching is carried out individually by the person who made the registration, and, if a new indication is necessary, this must be authorized by the person who made the registration, through the email that made the registration.

14.8 The presentations are filmed, these images remain with RioWF for control, being the exclusive property and use of RioWF.

14.9 After all presentations, the panel will evaluate and discuss to choose the best defended project. This will receive the title of Super Project, and will also receive a Zé Trophy.

14.10 All rules mentioned in this regulation, which concern the general functioning of RioWF, fall under this supplement.


15.1 The distribution of promotional items or actions without the authorization of the RioWF Organization is prohibited.

15.2 RioWF does not sell products, all items and gifts, during the festival days, will be offered directly to the public, raffled, or offered through promotional actions by partners, as long as they are duly authorized by the RioWF Organization.

15.3 In the case of a direct offer, it is made spontaneously on a first-come, first-served basis, without prior notice or any identification requirement, and it is up to the RioWF Organization to decide and carry it out in the best way for the current edition.

15.4 Partner marketing actions may occur, as long as they are duly and previously authorized by the RioWF Organization. These marketing actions will have their own dynamics, as well as rules or distribution of gifts. In this case, the participant will be informed by the RioWF team, but, from now on, we indicate that every action has rules and guidance, and it is up to the participants to be aware of them, whether by reading regulations or other forms of information that are made available.

15.5 RioWF does not guarantee that each participant will receive any of the items distributed, it also emphasizes that there is no replacement for these items in case of damage or loss.

15.6 All rules mentioned in this regulation, which concern the general functioning of RioWF, fall under this supplement.

Overall Rating
  • Asociacion Cultural Floston

    A festival for short form content. Team is dedicated to creators 100%. Super recommended!

    January 2025
  • Great selection, huge festival I’m glad we could be part of it

    December 2024
    Response from festival:

    Hey Kethy, thank you so much for your review 🙏❤️ we love your project and as far we can tell, there are no flaws with it 🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️. Cheers and much love from Rio

  • ravi steve

    We were absolutely thrilled to be part of this festival. Unfortunately, we couldn't attend in person, but seeing it online was amazing. The festival looks HUGE and very well attended. They really do an amazing job. Highly recommend submitting to this fest!

    December 2024
    Response from festival:

    Dear Ravi your show is amazing!! It made us laugh big time. Can’t wait to see more from you in the future. Cheers and much love from Rio!

  • Muchas gracias por el premio en la categoria "circuito internacional". Gratamente sorprendidos. Tremendo festival el que organizan y lindos los trofeos. Una super experiencia. Me hubiese encantado estar allá.

    December 2024
    Response from festival:

    Dear Jorge, thank you for your review and for submitting to Rio! Your project is amazing and we hope to see more from Cero Productivo in the future. Much love from Rio

  • Jamie Hart

    Rio Webfest is a really high quality competitive well-organized festival. They do a lot of promotion and hold a great live event. We could not attend this year but hope to in the future. Excellent Festival!

    January 2024
    Response from festival:

    Dear Jamie, thank you for your honest review! Northern Nightingales was a delight for us and we really hope to meet you in person one day. Send our best wishes to Susie. Much love from Rio!