Robinson Film Awards (RFA) is a monthly and annual IMDb Qualifying Independent Film Festival with a public screening event.

Every 2 months our judges, watch, review and rate the submitted films. The Best Films announced as the winner of the month!

Every submitter can enter multiple categories in order to increase their chances to receive an award. Every Semi-Finalist, Finalist and Winner will receive our Official Laurels, they will be listed on our website and may upload their credits on IMDb.

Award Winners will also receive their Certificate of Achievement in digital format.

The jury is composed by local and international filmmakers, actors, screenwriters etc..

The monthly winners are automatically nominated to be our annual winners and will be considered for yearly competition; if they get chosen by the programming committee, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the annual event (Next RFA Annual Event: April 2025).

RFA gives an opportunity for each filmmaker to find their shortcut to fame and recognition.

Each 2 months, RFA will award the best projects. Every Semi-Finalist, Finalist and Winner will receive our Official Laurels, they will be listed on our website and may upload their credits on IMDb.

Award Winners and Honorable Mentioned will also receive a Certificate of Achievement in digital format.

All selected and winning movies will be advertised on our social networks and web site.

The monthly winners are automatically nominated to be our annual winners and will be considered for yearly competition; if they get chosen by the programming committee, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the annual event. They will receive our RFA Annual Certificate and they will be screened live. Based on the quality and feasibility of the projects, we reserve the opportunity for the writer of the best script of the year to produce his project, while the author of the annual "best of the fest" movie could also receive a production or distribution offer.

Special Mentions for Honorable Movies.

With your submission you automatically accept our Rules and Terms!

To submit a film, you must have created the project yourself, own the rights or have permission from the owner of the content to submit the film to us, you are entitled of that responsibility and you as a filmmaker YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE RIGHTS OF YOUR FILM.

1. Only work created after 2020 is acceptable.
2. You agree to use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster/stills) for promotional purpose.
3. Multiple entries are allowed for each filmmaker and each entry may be entered in multiple categories.
4. Entry fees are non-refundable, for everything else the FilmFreeway Gold or Standard policies apply.
5. By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights to the work submitted.
6. No short films longer than 40 minutes.
7. No Premiere status is required.
8. We do not accept extremist or propaganda content from religious or political organizations.
9. If your movie will be selected for a live screening session, we do not pay for accomodations or any other expenses. The festival WILL NOT cover any filmmaker expenses. You will be totally responsible for your airfare, accommodation and other travel expenses.
10. Films only be accepted with English subtitles. We will ask for Italian or English subtitles in case of screening selection (it is not a mandatory).
11. We accept scripts in languages ​​other than English, but they may be automatically translated before reading.
12. You can add an "Additional Category" only after having choose a "Main Category" (like Best Short - Best Short Documentary - Best Student Short) first.
13. If you are in the monthly winners IT DOESN'T MEAN you are selected for our live screening. Only the SELECTED MOVIES notified before the live event via mail will be screened.
14. Our reviews are also intended as feedback and are always objective, they are published exclusively after your approval. If you are not satisfied, it will not be published. We believe that objective feedback is much more valuable for an author than a false positive in order to grow and improve. We are not a magazine, our reviews are shared on our website and social channels to give you visibility and the fee, as well as for other kind of submissions, goes to the organization of the festival. 14.1 If your project was in competition for a past season or is not in competition, after sending your review and possible sharing on our channels, your "Short Film Review" or "Feature Film Review" submission will automatically change in "Not Selected".
15. Robinson Film Awards International Film Festival DOES NOT PAY SCREENING FEES.
16. If your film is selected by our festival, you automatically agree that we may use images from your project for marketing purposes for our festival. If you do not agreed, and do not consent to give us promotional rights to your material, please let us know via email; and then we will withdraw your film from the promotion of our festival. If we do not receive any notification from you within 48 hours after your film is selected, we will assume that you agree this policy.
17. At our discretion, we may choose to transfer a film to the correct category, but only if the appropriate level of submission fee has been paid.
18. Write us for a pdf of Rules & Terms at the date of your submission or copy them.
19. The Festival will give screening priority to films with representatives. The priority is for those who are at the Festival (Including Local Filmmakers). If you are not able to come but your project win something, we will sent your certificate via email.
20. We ask DCP format for the Live Screening.
21. RFA is not a "prize event" (it means that there are no cash prizes or similar), but an independent and self-financed artistic reality, with artistic purposes and moral recognition for the authors of the best works. All submissions represents a fee for organizing the event ("Diritti di segreteria/Secretarial fees") to the "Associazione Culturale 'A Sunagliera". 21.1 Based on the quality and feasibility of the projects, we reserve the opportunity for the writer of the best script of the year to produce his project, while the author of the annual "best of the fest" movie could also receive a production or distribution offer.

With your submission you also accept the Rules, the Terms & Policy of FilmFreeway.


- Any resemblance to other events is purely coincidental. We do not represent or can be represented by any other organization.

- We do not disclose any kind of information with third parties.

- *Privacy Policy (for mailing list and for the newsletter):

Finally, please be aware that we do not ask for or accept any kind of donations.

We accept submissions exclusively from FilmFreeway.

Judging Process

- All submissions will be viewed in their entirety. Submissions will be judged and scored based on criteria including: quality of screenplay, acting, production quality, originality, technical proficiency, cinematography, sound design, editing and set design. We support indie filmmaking and will award additional points to movies produced on a micro budget and/or minimal crew.

- All bi-monthly winners will compete for the RFA annual event. The Final Jury will choose annual winners and the movies to be screened mainly from bi-monthly awarded films. The annual winner movies selected for live screening will be notified via mail before the event.

- If you do not receive a notification regarding the screening of your project it means that IT HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED FOR SCREENING.

- the status of "Semi Finalist" or "Finalist" means that the film has fewer possibilities to be considered for annual screening than the monthly winners, but that it has nevertheless passed the selection phase and can use our official laurel.

The directors of submitted films that are accepted will be notified via e-mail.

Venue & Event Date
The Festival venue or the event date could be change during the organization due to events, technical choices or circumstances.

Fee Waivers
We work hard to keep our submission fees as low as possible – consequently we cannot provide fee waivers.


Overall Rating
  • Thank you for choosing my work for the competition, it's a fantastic festival and the organizers are very professional

    November 2024
  • Kurt Sear

    Thank you for selecting my film 'Misdirection' for a best student short award at your film festival. I hope you continue with your festival into the future.

    October 2024
  • Amir Zargara

    Thanks for having us :)

    September 2024
  • I’m very grateful to be a finalist in the TV Pilot category. This was my first script so it’s comforting to know it is formatted correctly and the show has potential. A huge confidence builder.

    September 2024
  • We love Robinson Film festival. Our daughter won an official winner award. Although I didn't win as Director, it was still a positive experience.

    September 2024