YEAR THREE! Located within Driving distance to St Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia, Moberly is centrally located and an excellent venue for a film fest. We will have two screening rooms, a vendor area focusing on the weird and macabre, and concessions run by the local high school theatre group, and we will be inviting you, the filmmakers, to talk about your films and experiences after the showings. We will show two classic horror movies at the restored 4th Street Theatre in Downtown Moberly, along with submitted films. This year, we are BACK at the 4th Street Theatre with vendors outside and the secondary viewing room at the Library!

Award Best of the Fest
Awards 1st-3rd Best Horror Short Film 5-44 minutes
Awards 1st-3rd Best Horror Feature Film over 45 min
Best Screenplay Short
Best Screenplay Feature

Prizes will be awarded at the end of the festival, but you do not need to be in attendance to win! Prizes are a trophy and bragging rights.

All films are eligible even if they have been accepted to other film festivals. All films and videos are eligible, regardless of when or where they were produced.

Here's the Legal Stuff:

1 . I have read, understand, and fully complied with all submission eligibility information, submission guidelines, Terms and Conditions of Entry, and Entry Eligibility requirements.
2 . To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.
3 . This film or video is not subject to any litigation or threatened by any litigation.
4 . I am duly authorized to submit this film to the Festival.
5 . I hold MACA and Phobia Film Fest harmless from damage to the print(s) or tape(s) en route or otherwise during the Festival's possession of the film.
6 . I hold MACA and PFF, sponsors, affiliates, etc., harmless from all claims of liability resulting from my entry.
7 . I certify that I have full rights to use the music in the entered work.
8. Once an entry payment has been processed. We cannot provide a refund. The account holder may be subject to any fees if a payment is disputed.
9. I permit MACA and PFF to use stills, titles, copy, and/or information from the short or feature for promotional purposes
10. I permit MACA and PFF to screen the film at the 2023 Phobia Film Fest. Any future screenings will only happen with the filmmaker's permission.
14. MACA and PFF are granted the right to utilize an excerpt from any film submitted and accepted for exhibition at the Festival for promotional purposes. The individual or corporation submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations.

Overall Rating
  • All the experiences that come with participating in festivals are very important. I congratulate all the participants and wish the festival leaders success.

    December 2024
  • Jarrett McIntyre

    A very fun and professional festival!

    November 2024
  • I was honored to have my screenplay SIGHT SPECIFIC chosen as an Official Selection for this festival! I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend but I appreciated the encouragement and the communication.

    November 2024
  • Thank you for the honor of selecting my screenplay 48 Hours in Atoka to the 2024 Phobia Film Fest. The communication was great and I will certainly submit to Phobia again. Congrats to everyone on a great festival!

    November 2024
  • Bobbie Burgess-Tatum

    Thank you for selecting my short screenplay Don't Let The Lights Go Out and feature screenplay Hell Razor. Unfortunately, due to other obligations I wasn't able to attend. Hope to do so in the future! Overall, it has been a great experience. Congrats, to all the winners!!

    November 2024