The New Hampshire Independent Film Festival is a platform that showcases a diverse range of independent films, providing a unique opportunity for artists from both the US and internationally to connect with each other and a live audience. The intimate setting allows for meaningful interactions and feedback, which can be invaluable for filmmakers in refining their craft and promoting their work.


Best Narrative Feature
​Best Documentary Feature
​Best Animated Feature


Best Narrative Short
Best Documentary Short
Best Animated Short

Subcategories (any length)

Best Television/Webisode 
Best Comedy
Best Horror
Best Sci-Fi 
Best Romance
Best New Hampshire Film
Best New England Film
Best Student Film

Cast & Crew Awards

Best Directing
Best Editing
Best Cinematography
Best Sound Mixing
Best Set Design
Best Lead Actor
Best Lead Actress

By submitting to the New Hampshire Independent Film Festival, the submitter agree that if the project chosen as an "Official Selection" that it can be listed on the NHIFF website as such. Certain select films that are chosen as winners will also be screened at the festival in front of a live audience, unless specified by the submitting party. By submitting a film the submitting party agrees that they own the rights to submit on the films behalf.