NeuroVisions is a film festival that is dedicated to celebrating and amplifying the voices and stories of neurodivergent individuals. Started at Landmark College, a college that specializes in catering to those who think and learn differently, NeuroVisions aims to create an inclusive platform that fosters understanding, acceptance and appreciation of diverse perspectives through the art of film. By providing a wide range of narratives, we strive to challenge stereotypes, promote dialogue and inspire audiences to embrace the depth of neurodiversity. Our festival is committed to providing a safe space for neurodivergent filmmakers, a welcoming space for audiences and communities to connect, learn, and grow together.

a) Must be neurodivergent filmmaker/creator
b) Shorts submission must be max 30 mins long, including credits. Feature film, Champions of Neurodiversity categories have a limit of 150 minutes
c) All genres welcomed

Categories include:
-Narrative Short
-Comedy Shots
-Experimental Short
-Animation Short
-Feature film
-Champion of neurodiversity
d) Promotions for a product or service are NOT eligible for any category.
e) Films in foreign languages must be subtitled in English, must have burned in subtitles.
f) By submitting to NeuroVisions, filmmakers are giving permission for their film to be screened at NeuroVisions live screenings, without charge to the festival.
g) NeuroVisions reserves the rights to use any images and film clips submitted to the competition for marketing purposes, both in print and online without prior permission.

a) There is a $10 submission fee
b)No limit to how many films can be submitted. They will be charged for each film/submission.
c) NeuroVisions does not have the capability to offer refunds to filmmakers whose films are not accepted into the competition for any reason.