NOTE: The Festival requires all films be submitted with the registration form that can be downloaded here: opening 15 february/Until 15 May 2024
The entry form must be filled in and handwritten signature sent by to the deadline as a Word document (better) to the following email address:
Please add your handwritten signature.
For the screenings of the selected films in the Festival Italian cities, Festival staff can decide to translate the dialogues into Italian (with no charge). Therefore the authors of the selected films not in English will be asked to send also a copy of the film in the original language without English subtitles and a srt file of the English subtitles.
No advertisements are allowed in the videos.
The participation to the Festival implies the responsibility for the contents of each film by the respective authors and producers, and guarantees respect for the copyright on sounds and images of third parties (if any).
NAZRA Palestine Short Film Festival reserves the right to publish images or short segments (not longer than 3 minutes) from the selected films, in order to promote the Festival.
By participating to the Festival, the authors/producers explicitly entitle the use of images taken from their film and/or future screenings of their film only for educational/cultural purposes, in non-profit events organized by Nazra Palestine short film Festival, ACS Padua, Italian Center for Cultural exchange-VIK – Gaza.
For this purpose, the files of the selected works shall be kept in the Festival archive.
By accepting the above conditions, the applicant ensures the truthfulness of the information provided and authorizes the use of her/his personal data for the dissemination of material promoting the Festival (brochure, Internet website, press review, etc.).
Producers and directors will have to use the logo of NAZRA Palestine Short Film Festival, specify the year of the edition and the name of the price when advertising their awarded films.
The Festival Staff will notify the finalist authors via email by 31 may 2024. The list of the works shortlisted for the final will be published on the Festival’s website.
The Festival Management may decide to invite the directors or producers of the most interesting and deserving works, bearing part of the expenses.
• By sending the festival registration form you agree to all the above terms and conditions in full. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions will lead to exclusion from the competition.
For further information and to download Project, Regulation and entry form: