Filmmakers and production companies from more than 150 countries are waiting for new scripts.

Award-winning filmmakers and production company representatives read all submitted scripts and select the best ones for awards and/or film production.

Some scenes from some scripts can be acted out by actors at the event or professionally read by them and video-recorded to provide the presentation material for scriptwriters for further promotion.

MoviExpa Screenwriting Contest is a part of an international project MoviExpa highlighting independent scripts at festivals presented to production companies and filmmakers.

We connect scriptwriters and filmmakers to help them create the best movies together.

We collect script requests from film production companies and filmmakers who are making movies.

We select scripts from the Globe to highlight the best ones and introduce them to filmmakers and production companies.

A professional jury of award-winning filmmakers, producers, as well as representatives from distributors, production companies, buyers, and online streaming services also reviews the selected works and presents awards.

Genre and Theme Finalists (3-12)

The event FINALIST receives the Trophy after the results are announced.

All the finalists receive the Award sign, the certificate, and the laurels.

The selected scriptwriters may receive offers for the production of their scripts.

The official festival language is English.
The Contest accepts scripts in English.
All scripts must be completed in 2021 or later.
After a script has been officially selected, the scriptwriter will be notified.
Official selection does not mean that the script will be read, acted out, or awarded at the festival.
All submissions must be completed by the date indicated on the festival’s website.
All submissions to the festival are to be paid by credit card or PayPal via the platforms mentioned on the festival’s website.
The submission fee is non-refundable.
The festival does not give any fee waivers.
The selected scripts are presented at the venues determined by the festival producers for the current festival edition.
The information about the scripts might be published on the event website.
The acting scene might be provided online on the festival website
The festival’s producer reserves the right to change prizes and awards without any notification to participants (or winners).
Winners are responsible for all applicable federal, state, province, or territory and local taxes, if any, as well as any other costs and expenses associated with prize acceptance or use not specified herein as being provided.
The Festival Producer may set the additional awards, award signs, and prizes before the event.

Overall Rating
  • Kokoe Film Studios

    It is both and honour and garners such a sense of achievement to both be selected and to win an award. The festival is one of those unique places we highly recommend to all writers., Thank you to everyone involved - we are very grateful and wish you all the best for the future. Kokoe Film writers: Mary Lewis McRae and Peter J Tisma.

    June 2023
    Response from festival:

    Dear Mary and Peter,

    Thank you for your kind words.
    It was a great pleasure and honor to read your script.
    We wish you the great success!

    Best wishes,
    Vladimer and the contest team.