The Mistress Mary Horror Film FestEVIL is an Undead...I mean LIVE Film Festival where the accepted films will be screened for a ravenous audience in a very intimate setting. The very best films selected will have the opportunity to be included in a Special Edition Horror Anthology DVD.
Attendees to the event will take part in an interactive experience like no other where they will take part in the return of Mistress Mary and witness what she has in store for everyone foolhardy enough to enter her domain. A segment for the DVD will be filmed in the theater during the event and a select few will get to play significant roles in the ritual...I mean FUN that is sure to take place!
There will be vendors, actors, actresses, filmmakers and more on hand with tables and networking opportunities to make it a can't miss event!
The Best of the Fest Feature Film will win a Special Mistress Mary Horror Film FestEVIL Trophy and a prize pack.
The Best of the Fest Short Film will receive a Special Mistress Mary Horror Film FestEVIL Award, a Prize Pack as well as have the opportunity to be the FEATURED Short on the DVD!
The Top 4 Best Shorts overall will also have the opportunity to be included on the DVD!
The Best of the Fest Short and Feature films will get a write up in the next issue of Indie Horror Junkie magazine.
All accepted films will receive feedback from the Judges on their films.