Mini Film Festival is the longest-running short film festival in Malaysia annually held by the Cinematography Programme, Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. This ever-flourishing film festival is now stepping into its 20th year with the support of many passionate individuals.
Film and arts are mesmerizing for their ability to both, at least figuratively, to entrap and untangle its audiences and makers. The former is seemingly pessimistic at first glance, while in contrast with the latter, which engenders a sense of freedom and agency. We follow through with the film or art presented before our eyes, trying to grasp the meaning and intention of the artists. Consciously or not, we often fall for the narrative the film/ arts carry, inadvertently trapped by the subjective world the filmmaker/ artist has created for us.
We are entrapped by filmmakers’ creations and the unique experience of appreciating artists’ creativity. Leaving the cinema hall or art exhibition with multitudes of possible emotions ranging from excitement, puzzlement, lingering fear, or sadness. Some of us continue the cinematic and artistic experience by collecting merchandise and consuming the arts on other occasions. A way to extend the fans’ imagination and fantasy for the film/ arts they have fallen in love with.
As much as the above-mentioned is true, we also gain agency and freedom from the film/ art we experience. Both the filmmakers and artists, in their truest selves, must have untangled themselves to taste the freedom of creating their works. They give us hope for new possibilities, fantasy, and imagination that we never thought of. They prompt us to think outside of the box, confront our fear of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, and take action for the betterment of ourselves and others. It encompasses collective actions of getting together and re-imagining the possible past and future, hence entangling us from what was set in stone for us. Hence, it is a form of entanglement. A sense of freedom and agency. Hence, SEarcH is chosen as the theme for this year’s festival.
For film submission to 20th Mini Film Festival, [MAS] See Film is a competition category that attempts to encourage fellow Malaysians to make films and appreciate local films that matter. In line with that, we are calling for submissions from local filmmakers to showcase their films of any genre and subject. We have also introduced a new category, Borneo Film, which is open to all citizens, regardless of nationality. The aim is to encourage the exploration of themes related to Borneo.
20th Mini Film Festival committee continues to strive its very best in bringing a series of film-related events, onsite or online. Commencing March 2024, there will be a series of film screenings (Duduk dan Tonton), workshops and webinars that feature timely topics with panelists hailed from the industry and academia. The festival’s highlight will be its festival’s week (tentatively from 18 - 21 July) that brings films and the other arts under one roof as Mini Film Festival will run concurrently with Mini Arts Festival for the second year. We welcome you to take part in the festival.
Cash awards up to RM2,400 for the following categories:
- [MAS] See Films: Open Category
- [MAS] See Films: Students' Category
- Borneo Film Category