Mini Film Festival is the longest-running short film festival in Malaysia annually held by the Cinematography Programme, Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. This ever-flourishing film festival is now stepping into its 20th year with the support of many passionate individuals.

Film and arts are mesmerizing for their ability to both, at least figuratively, to entrap and untangle its audiences and makers. The former is seemingly pessimistic at first glance, while in contrast with the latter, which engenders a sense of freedom and agency. We follow through with the film or art presented before our eyes, trying to grasp the meaning and intention of the artists. Consciously or not, we often fall for the narrative the film/ arts carry, inadvertently trapped by the subjective world the filmmaker/ artist has created for us.

We are entrapped by filmmakers’ creations and the unique experience of appreciating artists’ creativity. Leaving the cinema hall or art exhibition with multitudes of possible emotions ranging from excitement, puzzlement, lingering fear, or sadness. Some of us continue the cinematic and artistic experience by collecting merchandise and consuming the arts on other occasions. A way to extend the fans’ imagination and fantasy for the film/ arts they have fallen in love with.

As much as the above-mentioned is true, we also gain agency and freedom from the film/ art we experience. Both the filmmakers and artists, in their truest selves, must have untangled themselves to taste the freedom of creating their works. They give us hope for new possibilities, fantasy, and imagination that we never thought of. They prompt us to think outside of the box, confront our fear of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, and take action for the betterment of ourselves and others. It encompasses collective actions of getting together and re-imagining the possible past and future, hence entangling us from what was set in stone for us. Hence, it is a form of entanglement. A sense of freedom and agency. Hence, SEarcH is chosen as the theme for this year’s festival.

For film submission to 20th Mini Film Festival, [MAS] See Film is a competition category that attempts to encourage fellow Malaysians to make films and appreciate local films that matter. In line with that, we are calling for submissions from local filmmakers to showcase their films of any genre and subject. We have also introduced a new category, Borneo Film, which is open to all citizens, regardless of nationality. The aim is to encourage the exploration of themes related to Borneo.

20th Mini Film Festival committee continues to strive its very best in bringing a series of film-related events, onsite or online. Commencing March 2024, there will be a series of film screenings (Duduk dan Tonton), workshops and webinars that feature timely topics with panelists hailed from the industry and academia. The festival’s highlight will be its festival’s week (tentatively from 18 - 21 July) that brings films and the other arts under one roof as Mini Film Festival will run concurrently with Mini Arts Festival for the second year. We welcome you to take part in the festival.

Cash awards up to RM2,400 for the following categories:
- [MAS] See Films: Open Category
- [MAS] See Films: Students' Category
- Borneo Film Category

Rules and Terms
General Guidelines
1. There is no limit to the number of film submissions allowed in any category.
2. All entries must be in digital format.
3. Participants shall select the categories which are suitable for their work(s), i.e. Open Category or Higher Learning Institution Category or Borneo Film Category
4. Production date: All films must have been produced in 2022 or after, i.e. 1 Jan 2022 up until the present date.
5. Participants may work in groups or submit entries as individuals.
6. Only submissions done through either FilmFreeway will be accepted.
7. Last submission date: 19th May 2024
8. By entering this contest, participants agree to accept the Contest Rules.

Video Requirements
1. Video format is “.mp4” or “.mov” in 48 kHz audio quality and a minimum of 1080p in resolution.
2. All content that is submitted in the language(s) other than English is required to have English subtitles included.
3. The film's duration (running time includes end credits) accepted is not above 30 minutes.
4. All participants will bear full responsibility for the images and soundtracks used in the film(s) submitted, i.e. it should NOT be copyrighted material(s) unless permission from the material(s) owner(s) was given.
5. Participants are required to provide a downloadable and playable digital video file should their film(s) was nominated.

Eligibility Criteria for Each Category
[MAS] See Films: Open Category
• Open to all Malaysian filmmakers, who hold any of the following roles during the production of the submitted film(s): Producer, Director, Assistant Director, Scriptwriter, Cinematographer, Production Designer, Location Audio/ Sound Crew, Sound Designer, and/ or Editor.
• The production location can be anywhere in the world, so long as one of the crew (role mentioned above) in the film holds Malaysian citizenship.
• All genres are accepted.
• Duration: 30 minutes or less.
• Production year: Films must be produced in 2022 or after.

[MAS] See Films: Students’ Category
• Open to students with Malaysian citizenship whose film was produced when enrolled in schools or higher learning institutions, Malaysia or elsewhere, are eligible to participate.
• The production location can be anywhere in the world, so long as one of the (student) crew in the film holds Malaysian citizenship.
• All genres are accepted.
• Duration: 30 minutes or less.
• Production year: Films must be produced in 2022 or after.

Borneo Film Category
• Open to all filmmakers, regardless of nationality (the filmmakers' nationality will not be the factor of consideration)
• The film must either be made in Borneo or focus on Borneo-related themes, in whatever way 'Borneo' may be interpreted.
• All genres are accepted.
• Duration: 30 minutes or less.
• Production year: Films must be produced in 2022 or after.

Rules and Regulations
1. No copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may be used for this contest unless you own the copyright or have a licence to use the material for this contest. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted materials.
2. Mini Film Festival may use submitted films to screen/stream at the festival or via social media for promotional purposes regarding the festival itself.
3. All the materials received will not be returned, and the works will be part of the video library of the Mini Film Festival, to be used for educational purposes, research or study and not for profit.
4. All portions of the online entry form must be completed when you upload your video for it to be eligible for the festival.
5. Participation in this festival, regardless of your age, implies unconditional acceptance of the festival’s rules and regulations.

Judging Process
1. The judges’ decision is final.
2. Shortlisted works will be announced via our official social media and website.
3. Nominated films will be screened at the Mini Film Festival.
4. Mini Film Festival will notify filmmakers who produced the nominated works through email or phone calls.
5. The winner of each category will receive a certificate and a trophy.
6. The winner is responsible for retrieving their certificate(s) and/or trophy(ies).

• We retain the right to change the date and venue of the festival under special circumstances. All filmmakers will be informed about any changes through our online platforms.
• We protect your personal information and does not sell or share to any
third parties.

Overall Rating
  • One of the best Festival I've attended. Their hospitalities are beyond greatness.

    August 2024

    Mini Film Festival had invited us to join their 4 day event in Kuching, especially because we had been nominated for 1 of their categories. The organizers were very professional and they had planned the event very well, they even offered free accommodation and even transport from the airport. Throughout the festival, not only did they have asean film screenings but they also included workshops. I think they chose wisely with the guest speakers that attended. We enjoyed our time and made alot of networking with other filmmakers. It was truly a great experience especially for our first trip film festival.

    July 2024
  • kean hian Lim

    A little trip to the land of hornbills. Nice people, good food and a clear blue sky.

    Also my first time attend to Mini Film Festival. Interesting programmes and films screening. I really enjoyed the series of S-Express which showcase the contemporary issues or the feelings from the neighbourshood filmmakers in South East Asia region. Deep impression to S-Express from Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. Very creative, bold yet poetic.

    MFF don't have red carpet but I could feel the respect from them towards screening films and filmmakers. Mini in scale, big in ambition. Thanks again to MFF and I wish them can keep going and make it an important and well known film festival in future.

    July 2023
  • Michael Kam

    Really appreciated the warmth and enthusiasm of Chong Lee and his team at Mini Film Festival to make it a memorable and fun experience.

    March 2023
  • Raja Adam Iskandar Raja Amin

    I’ve had the privilege of coming to this great and intimate festival for South East Asian Filmmakers to showcase their films! A well diverse lineup of programmes with great people to network with, and I’m happy that our film, Ms. Pontianak was awarded the grand prize at Mini Film Festival!

    January 2023