The human MIND: consciousness, perception, thinking, memory, and that which is yet to be discovered, pushes the boundaries of our own comprehension with a thread of stories that connect us in this world and beyond.
The Mindscape Film Festival by Conscious Good is a celebration of this marvel, with a mission to support conscious media and compelling short films that honor the significance and mystery of the MIND.
Eligible films may explore the following themes:
Mind-body-spirit connection
Mental Illness
Power of the Mind
Neuroscience/ Neuroplasticity
The Global Brain/Collective Consciousness
Psychology of Self
ESP/Psychic Abilities
Mind Enhancing Drugs (LSD/Ayahuasca, etc.)
Eligible formats include narrative, documentary or animation, 3 to 20 minutes in length.
The film submission period begins on June 1st and ends on July 8th. From all films submitted, the Conscious Good Screening Committee will select approximately 12 films to compete for the juried awards.
The Festival jury will select three winning films and a fourth, Audience Choice, will be chosen by audience voting. All four winning entries will receive cash and prizes as well as licensing opportunities with Conscious Good.
Open entry begins June 1st, 2017
Submission deadline, June 29th, 2017
Audience voting begins July 1st, 2017
Audience voting ends July 21st, 2017
Winners announced August 8th, 2017
WHERE TO WATCH: Our online voting portion of the festival will be held at starting on July 1st. The channel will feature finalists films streaming on-demand with information about each filmmaker. On August 8th the films will tour across the US through the end of September. We will host a launch party in Boulder, CO and hold an awards ceremony in October in LA.
WINNERS SELECTION: A panel of judges (established filmmakers, film critics, celebrities, doctors, scientists, researchers, and Sponsor representatives) will select 3 award-winners.
AUDIENCE VOTING: Audiences voting begins on July 1st - 21st and for online voting. Audiences will also be able to vote for their favorite films during the film tour. Participating filmmakers are encouraged to motivate their fans and social networks to vote for their film and also host a screening of the films in their hometown!
First Place - $1000
Second Place - $500
Third Place - Special Mention
Audience Award - $500
Gathr Audience Award - $500
Cinebody S6 Units (6)