We are pleased to announce the 6th edition of the MEET Film Festival, promoted by the MEET Association (Movies for European Education and Training).
The Festival will take place from 8 to 13 May 2023 in Anzio and Aprilia (Lacio-Italy), with projections in the cinemas of Anzio and in the schools of the two cities.

The main objective of the MEET Film Festival is to ​​create a bridge between schools and cinema as a means to encourage the use of audiovisual language ​​in teaching and learning, facilitating dialogue and social inclusion.

The Festival aims to raise awareness of the links between culture, education, training and cinema and to become an innovative environment where schools, institutions, associations and independent film directors can meet, discuss and exchange audiovisual productions inspired by educational issues.
The Festival promotes the knowledge and circulation of short films that are distinguished by the critical and original ways in which they interpret the role of cinema at school.
The Festival actively involves participant schools in the fruition and evaluation of the movies admitted, with the aim of training students and teachers to cinema and audiovisual language.
Estamos orgullosos de presentar la 6° edición del MEET Film Festival 2023, realizado por la Asociación MEET ETS (Movies for European Education and Training) y que tendrá lugar del 8 al 13 de Mayo de 2023 en las ciudades de Anzio y Aprilia (Lazio-Italia), con proyecciones en los cines de Anzio y en las escuelas del territorio de los dos municipios.

El MEET Film Festival tiene como objetivo principal sensibilizar sobre la interrelación entre cultura, educación, formación y cine; y construir un ambiente innovador de encuentro, puesta en común y de consumo crítico de producciones audiovisuales inspiradas en el mundo educativo.
El Festival promueve el conocimiento y la difusión de cortometrajes capaces de interpretar de manera original la función del cine en la escuela.
El Festival involucra activamente a las escuelas participantes en la visión y valoración de los films concursantes, con el objetivo de formar a los estudiantes y a los docentes en el lenguaje audiovisual.
Siamo lieti di annunciare la 6° edizione del MEET Film Festival 2023, realizzato dall’Associazione MEET ETS (Movies for European Education and Training) e che si svolgerà dall’8 al 13 Maggio ad Anzio ed Aprilia (Lazio-Italia), con proiezioni nei cinema di Anzio e nelle scuole del territorio dei due Comuni.

Il MEET Film Festival ha come obiettivo principale quello di accrescere la consapevolezza sulle interrelazioni tra cultura, istruzione, formazione e cinema; e di costruire un ambiente innovativo di incontro, confronto e fruizione critica di produzioni audiovisive ispirate al mondo educativo.
Il Festival promuove la conoscenza e la diffusione di cortometraggi capaci di interpretare in modo originale la funzione del cinema a scuola.
Il Festival coinvolge attivamente le scuole partecipanti nella visione e valutazione dei film in concorso, con l’obiettivo di formare studenti e docenti al linguaggio audiovisivo.

A jury of film professionals, students and educators will be appointed to assess and award the finalist entries from a technical perspective and for their content and communicative effectiveness.
Awards will be given out to the works ranking first in each of the Sections of the Festival (see 3.1); organizers can decide to introduce special mentions that will be announced during the Festival.
The decisions of the Jury are final and indisputable.
Awards will be communicated during the awards ceremony and authors will also receive a communication via email afterwards.
La dirección del Festival nombrará un jurado de profesionales del cine, educadores y estudiantes en grado de evaluar las obras en concurso, sea desde un punto de vista técnico que desde un punto de vista comunicativo y de contenido.
Serán premiadas las obras por cada Sección del Festival (ver 3.1.); la organización también podrá evaluar la incorporación de menciones especiales que serán comunicadas durante el Festival.
Las decisiones del jurado son inapelables.
Los premios serán anunciados durante la ceremonia de premiación y los ganadores recibirán una comunicación vía mail.
La direzione del Festival nominerà una giuria composta da professionisti del cinema, educatori e studenti, in grado di giudicare le opere in concorso sia da un punto di vista tecnico che da un punto di vista comunicativo e contenutistico.
Verranno premiate le opere prime per ogni Sezione del Festival (vedi 3.1); l’organizzazione potrà inoltre valutare l’inserimento di menzioni speciali, che saranno comunicate durante il Festival.
Le decisioni della giuria sono insindacabili.
I premi verranno annunciati durante la cerimonia di premiazione e gli autori riceveranno una comunicazione via mail.

By submitting an entry to the Competition, You grant MEET:

1(a) Permission for Your entry to be published on MEET websites including but not limited to MEET International School Film Festival and You grant MEET a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual license (with a right to sub-license) to use, republish, edit and/or modify Your Competition entry in any/all media (including in electronic format, hard copy and in MEET publications) for purposes connected with the Competition;
1(b) The right to use Your name and place of residence for the sole purpose of identifying You as the author of Your entry and/or as a winner of the Competition.

2. You also hereby waive all Your moral rights in Your entry. Notwithstanding the afore-going waiver, in order to use entries as intended and advised in these Terms and Conditions, (i) MEET may need to modify entries, including but not limited to resizing, cropping or colour adjustment as necessary, provided that MEET shall endeavour in undertaking such modifications to maintain the integrity of Your entry as originally created; and (ii) MEET shall provide a picture credit for all entries.

3. You own the copyright to Your Competition entry as its author. Your entry must be Your own work, must not be copied, must not contain any third-party materials and/or content that You do not have permission to use, must not include any trade marks, and must not show inappropriate or dangerous behaviour, or otherwise be obscene, defamatory, distasteful, offensive, or in breach of any applicable law or regulation, or in breach of any confidentiality obligations owed by You to third parties. If MEET has reason to believe Your entry is not Your own work or otherwise breaches these Terms and Conditions, then MEET may not consider it and may disqualify it.

4. Entrants confirm that each individual whose image is featured in the Competition entry has given consent for the use of his/her image in connection with this Competition and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Where an individual whose image is featured in a Competition entry is aged less than 18 years the entrant confirms that the parent or guardian of that individual has given the relevant consent.

Overall Rating
  • Kira Meshcherska

    thanks for participating in the festival.

    May 2023
  • Anaïs Peleyrol

    Very amazing festival, so kind so professional, 😍I recommand

    May 2023
  • They were so accommodating and engaging. I love to attend the festival in person someday. Thank you so much for the mention!

    May 2023
    Response from festival:

    Thank you for your participation and your feedback, we are looking forward to go back to the personal presence of directors during the Festival! Good luck, sincerely
    The MEET Team

  • They are amazing! I loved the festival and hope to be there next year.

    January 2020
    Response from festival:

    Thank you very much.

  • Serge Dentin

    Coming to the festival was a very rewarding experience. Thank you to the team, and congratulations!

    November 2019
    Response from festival:

    Thank you very much for the positive feedback!