It is a touring international short films festival which is the 1st of its kind in the MENA region merging the filmmaking, arts sector and the health worlds through a unique cinematic experience. Medfest Egypt was founded in 2017, screening a selection of high quality/award winning films raising questions about their social shadows followed by workshops and discussions with a selected panel of experts from the filmmaking world and the healthcare world.

About the 6th edition theme:
Humans are social beings who live in a series of social and romantic relationships that can be pivotal to their health and well-being. Throughout their lifespan, they connect in different ways that can be healing or traumatizing.
Lately, the concept of relationships has been under the spotlight, whether due to major crises that accentuated its importance in healthcare among family members and friends. Or by substituting the human connection with artificial intelligence, which is dominating different aspects of our contemporary lives. Or by taking a closer look into its dynamics during conflicts and wars.

الإنسان كائن اجتماعي بالأساس، فهو يعيش سلسلة من العلاقات الاجتماعية والعاطفية التي تؤثر على صحته وسلامته النفسية. تتنوع هذه العلاقات وتتطور في طبيعتها على مدى عمر الإنسان فيكون بعضها شافيًا محررّا وبعضها مؤذيًا قاسيًا. سواء في محيط العائلة أو العمل، أو غير ذلك.
على مدار السنوات الأخيرة تم تسليط الضوء على مفهوم العلاقات الإنسانية بشكل عام. سواء عن طريق الإشارة لدورها في الأزمات وأهمية الرعاية الصحية بين أفراد الأسرة والأصدقاء، أو عن طريق التقليل من شأنها بعد تغول أفكار الذكاء الإصطناعي في مجالات كثيرة في الحياة المعاصرة. أو حتى عن طريق التأمل فيها في ظل الأزمات الإنسانية والحروب.
في إطار النسخة السادسة من ميدفست مصر، ندعوكم للدخول في عالم العلاقات الإنسانية. حيث نسائل أهميتها ونعيد تعريفها وربما نعيد اكتشاف تأثيرها.
ميدفست مصر هو مهرجان سينمائي معني بكيفية تناول الصحة والطب من خلال السينما. حيث يستضيف بجانب عروض الأفلام حلقات نقاش مفتوحة وورش عمل لإضافة بعد مجتمعي وإنساني للأفلام.

- Best Film
- Best Egyptian Film
- Special Mention
- First Work Award
- Audience Award

Medfest Eg apply policies and procedures to prevent and address fraud, bribery, and corruption. These policies are essential to maintain the integrity of the festival, protect stakeholders' interests, and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. While the specifics may vary depending on the festival's size and structure, here are some common policies and procedures that film festivals might adopt:
Anti-Fraud Policy: An anti-fraud policy outlines the festival's commitment to preventing fraudulent activities, including misappropriation of funds, financial misreporting, and other deceptive practices. It may include guidelines for handling financial transactions, expense reporting, and vendor management to mitigate the risk of fraud.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy: This policy is designed to prevent bribery and corruption both within the festival's internal operations and in its relationships with external parties, such as filmmakers, sponsors, and suppliers. It may address gifts and hospitality, conflicts of interest, and interactions with public officials.

Conflict of Interest Policy: A conflict of interest policy helps identify and manage situations where individuals involved in the festival might have personal interests that could influence their decision-making. This policy typically requires disclosure of potential conflicts and appropriate actions to mitigate them.

Training and Awareness: Educating all festival staff, volunteers, and stakeholders about fraud, bribery, and corruption prevention is crucial. Training sessions raise awareness, reinforce policies, and empower individuals to recognize and report any suspicious activities.

Compliance Monitoring: Medfest Eg conducts regular internal audits and reviews to assess compliance with policies, identify potential risks, and make improvements as needed.

Code of Conduct: A comprehensive code of conduct sets ethical standards for all individuals associated with the festival. It covers expected behaviors, ethical decision-making, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations.

Enforcement and Disciplinary Actions: Clear guidelines regarding disciplinary actions for policy violations should be in place. This ensures that any confirmed instances of fraud, bribery, or corruption are met with appropriate consequences.