Marco Araujo Dolado (Madrid 24/08/2004) became interested in filmmaking at a very early age. He directed his first short films when he was 11 and 12 years old. Shortly afterwards he produced, together with several classmates, various short films and a documentary about the Spanish Republic and the Civil War: "Una guerra al lado de mi casa" ("A War Next to My Home").
In January 2017 and 2019, he won the City of Tudela Children's Short Story Competition in his category with the stories "Doña Fina" (“Ms. Fina”) and "Cocinando" (“Cooking”), the latter being the basis of his first serious short film, which he wrote, directed, and produced by himself in the summer of 2018, at the age of 13.
In the spring of 2019, Marco shot his second short film "La Habitación del Piano", (“Room with a Piano”) for which he also composed and performed part of the music, with the collaboration and participation of the musical group "La clave".
In 2019, he won the XXXVII Certamen Antonio Robles with the story "El libreto", for which he is currently adapting a short film script.
In 2020 and 2021, his two main short films were selected at several national and international festivals. His third short film, "No Abras esa Naranja" (“Don’t Open It”), also selected at several competitions, was made during the Covid-19 lockdown in Spain, 2020. In April 2021, he was interviewed by Pilar Socorro on the Radio 3 programme "Españ".
In the summer of 2021, Marco finally had the opportunity to produce his short film, "En el Segundo Izquierda" (On the Second Floor), starring María Galiana, thanks to the collaboration of film students. “On the Second Floor” premiered in October 2021 in Madrid.