Madrid Arthouse film festival is an IMDb qualified online festival based in Madrid. The festival aims to provide a platform for short and long feature filmmakers to be seen and heard as best as possible.
The festival is very competitive: Each season, our jury selects each category's winners. The winners of each edition may be then considered for the online competition. If this happens, they will be shown and compete with other films-winners at the online event.


- Best Spanish film awards (Presented to Spanish films in all categories of the competition).

- World Cinema Grand Jury Prizes (Presented to none-Spanish films in all categories of the competition).

-Directing Award (Presented to films in the both short and feature Competition

- Acting Award (Presented to films in short and feature categories of the competition).

- Music Award (Presented to films in both short and feature Competition)

-Editing Award (Presented to films in both short and feature Competitions.

-Screenplay Award (Presented to films in the short and feature Competition).

- Cinematography Award (Presented to films in both short and feature Competition)

-Best Female and male Director for short and feature films

-Best Young Emerging Filmmaker (Presented to films in both short and feature Competition)

A) Eligibility Requirements

1. Films completed on or after Jan 1, 2015, are eligible for consideration
2. All entries must be either in English or Spanish or subtitled in English or Spanish. Dialogue lists are not accepted.
3. Films with Madrid’s premiere will be prioritized.
4. Entrant confirms and warrants required legal authority to submit the entry to the Festival and to use all music, images, and content in the entry.

B) Submission Guidelines
1. Only complete entries (including fee payment and screener) will be considered.
2. Entrants are permitted to submit works-in-progress (i.e., without final colour correction or sound mixing), but please note that the programming committee will only consider the version submitted. Subsequent cuts or replacement copies will only be accepted at the request of the programming committee.

C) Judging & Selection

Films are selected for Festival presentation by the Madrid Festival programming committee. If a movie is nominated, the Festival office will contact the entrant by phone or email. The Festival does not provide feedback or screening notes to entries that are not selected.

All competitive film categories are judged during the Festival.

D) Entry Fees
The appropriate entry fee must accompany each entry. Entry fees are not refundable. Fees cover registration, registration notification, consideration by the programming department, and notification of the results. These fees may be paid by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express).

Overall Rating
  • Daniel Janik

    It is an honor to be included in the Madrid Arthouse Film Festival awardees.

    November 2024
  • Delighted to be included in the excellent line up. A great festival and kind and polite staff ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    November 2024
  • First it was a honor to be selected, but it was great to know that my script "The Great Dorito" won as Best Unproduced Feature Script. Thanks a lot for the recognition.

    November 2024
  • Mokhless Al-Hariri

    Many thanks on behalf of the entire film team!!!
    We are thrilled that “Chanting of the Dunes”, our multiple award-winning film, was well recognized by the festival.

    November 2024
  • Danielle Jaeggi

    I am glad that the vulcano and the baby was selected as semi-finalist in this excellent festival. Thank you

    November 2024