The Melbourne International Cinema Extravaganza M.I.C.E. aims to be one of Melbourne's leading cinema extravaganza, raising awareness and celebrating these wonderful totem animals- Mice.
It will attract filmmakers from all around the world and celebrate their brilliant creations. With a strong focus on all the millions of life saving mice who sacrifice their lives to the research and study of terminal illnesses/cancer world wide.
It is a unique platform for new talent and a celebration of cinematic creativity, innovation and extravagance with artists new creations being judged right here in Melbourne City.
Films with a focus on terminal illness will be welcomed to help, educate, raise awareness, and bring hope to all the sufferers and families.
Art, Music and Film is a dynamic, healing way to help sufferers and their families as well as entertain all those who come along to this wonderful celebration.
A celebration that will engage, entertain, enlighten and bring together local and International films and give recognition to these wonderful, remarkable, brave little animals with a big, corageous heart.
“I came up with this film festival idea whilst at my screening of my first film in my trilogy, FATE-It is what it is! This was at the 2013 New York City Independent Film Festival, in Time Square. New York is filled with masses of people running in all directions- like mice! Very similar to Mice in cages of scientific research and health trials. These humans were like mice, all going somewhere, doing something and 95% of them chasing their own creation and creativity. And almost 50% having suffered or been scared with terminal illness at some point in their lives. I came back to Melbourne city and saw the same thing. We are all mice and these amazing totem animals of this festival have such a significance to our lives. They are life-saving!
I want this festival to begin to bring awareness just to how lucky we are to have mice in our life and celebrate their existence in a Melbourne International Cinema Extravaganza- MICE.
It was the beginnings of creating brilliance. Don't wait – Create! And we shall do just that with all the amazing courage of all of us working as a team of creative little mice, exhibiting dynamic, wonderful, International films and in turn celebrate the life-saving mice!”
R Lobosco.
Creator/Director of MICE Festival.
One of the judges in the 2016 MICE festival.
13 M.I.C.E. Awards-
NB- You receive extra points if your film has our totem animal, a mouse.
-Best Actor
-Best Actress
-Best Direction
-Best Drama Film- any length
-Best Comedy Film- any length
-Best Student Film any length
-Best Documentary- any length
-Best Short- up to 20min
-Best Mini Short- up to 10min
-Best Ultra Short - 4 min or less
-Best Music Video
-Best TV/Web Series Pitch- 15 min or less (teaser)
-Best Screenplay/Script
All 13 winners will receive a 'Triple S,' - Surprise Special Something!
All 13 winners will be able to submit another film in the 2020 M.I.C.E. Festival, Fee-Free.
M.I.C.E Prizes to Top 3 Winners -
You will Receive -
An InkTip prize package.
Each prize package includes one (1) InkTip script listing so your winners can promote themselves and their scripts to InkTip's large network of producers and reps.
Every InkTip producer has been vetted via resume and references and demonstrated the ability to get movies made. Companies who are InkTip members include: ABC, Anonymous Content, APA, CBS Films, HBO Films, ICM, Paradigm, Paramount Pictures, Hallmark Channel, FX, Universal, WME, Echo Lake, Zero Gravity, Bad Robot, and 20th Century Fox.
Best of Luck to all!