(Spanish) -- English below...

Low Cost Film Festival surge como un espacio para promover películas independientes y generar debates al rededor del cine auto financiado, de guerrilla o de muy poco presupuesto.

Creemos que es posible hacer grandes películas con pocos medios.El auge de las cámaras HD y el bajo costo de equipos que tienen muy buen rendimiento, han facilitado las cosas para los cineastas del siglo 21.

Sin embargo, somos conscientes también de que es muy difícil lograr que las películas que no estén apoyadas por grandes productoras y distribuidoras sean vistas en distintas partes del mundo.

Habiendo tenido una exitosa experiencia de 3 jornadas de películas y debate sobre el cine Low cost con proyecciones en El Pou de la Figuera y el Palau Alòs el pasado 10, 11 y 12 de febrero 2017, nos embarcamos en la siguiente aventura, la de realizar la segunda edición del festival.

El evento tendrá lugar en el mes de octubre 2018, los días viernes 5 y sábado 6.


Low Cost film festival emerges as a space to promote independent films and generate debate around the film self -funded guerrilla or almost no budget.
We believe it is possible to make great films with no much money. the rise of HD cameras and low cost of equipment with very good performance, have made ​​things easier for filmmakers of the 21st century .

However , we are also aware that it is very difficult to make films that are not supported by large producers and distributors are seen in different parts of the world.

Having a successful experience of 3 days of films and debate about the Low cost cinema in the first edition, we are exited to start this new adventure of making the 2nd edition of the festival.
The event will take place in the month of october.

(The screenings are in Barcelona, so if you are selected is ideal to have the subtitles in Spanish, if you don't have it, you will be proyected but maybe a part of the audience is not going to follow your story)

Best Fiction
Best Documentary
Special Audience award

1. Films selected for Official Selection will be notified before the notification date and are all eligible for nomination of their submitted categories.

2. Nominees will be announced on the notification date and the winners will be announced at the festival in Barcelona.

3. If your film has been selected for screening, you will be contacted prior to the notification date!

4. All foreign submissions must be subtitled in English or Spanish.

5. Online screeners are mandatory.

6. All films must have been made after 2016.

7. The filmmaker/institution that is submitting the film must own the rights to do so and is responsible for the content they are providing. By submitting, the filmmaker allows us to advertise for them without infringing copyright of any kind of form and list them on social media platforms as well as our website.

8. The entry fee is not refundable.

9. Rules and terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the Low cost FIlm Festival.

10. All the submited films have to be low cost or self financed.

Overall Rating
  • Andres Toro

    Un gran festival apoyando una gran causa. Ojala existieran mas festivales como este, fue un honor hace parte de la seleccion

    April 2018
    Response from festival:

    Gracias a ti Andrés por participar. Un abrazo

  • Rodrigo Verazaluce Lugo

    Increíble la atención por parte de LCFF. Larga vida la LCFF

    February 2017
    Response from festival:

    Muchas Gracias Rodrigo, fue un placer contar con El águila en nuestro festival :)

  • Hugo Magro

    Very friendly and helpful staff. Thank you.

    February 2017
    Response from festival:

    Thank you Hugo :)

  • María Dopico

    Great festival in Spain, Barcelona!

    February 2017
    Response from festival:

    Thank You Maria for let us having "Kill the president" in our festival.

  • Mazin Sherabayani

    Great to take a part at this festival, it's fantastic to have festivals like that for low production films. Thank you

    February 2017
    Response from festival:

    Thank You Mazin :)