The Leftover Film Festival is all about celebrating the projects you’ve put on the back burner—the films that are like the food you forgot in the back of the fridge or the two-day-old pizza that’s still just as good, if not better. It’s a festival that gives a home to the stories you thought might never see the light of day but are just as worthy of being seen and celebrated. With a focus on creativity that might have been overlooked, the Leftover Film Festival provides a platform for filmmakers to showcase their unique and unconventional stories, making it the perfect place for those “leftover” ideas that still pack a punch.

· Best Short Film
· Best Music Video
· Best Student Project
· Best Cinematography
· Best Individual Performance
· Best Sound Mixer
· Audience Choice

Films and Music Videos must be filmed and completed no earlier than March 1st, 2020.

*** ONE ENTRY PER PERSON PER CATEGORY. If a single person submits multiple projects multiple times within the same category, their projects within that category will be disqualified. ***

** If the submitter or director, writer, cinematographer, and/or main lead (bare minimum of ONE REPRESENTATIVE PER SHORT FILM submission) does not/cannot commit to being physically present on the time and date of the festival, their film will not be shown. **

* If the band members or director, songwriter, cinematographer, and/or main lead (bare minimum of TWO REPRESENTATIVES PER MUSIC VIDEO submission if the MAJORITY of the band members are unable to be present) does not/cannot commit to being physically present on the time and date of the festival, their music video will not be shown. *


• Please please please DO NOT SHOW any nudity or on-screen sex

• No graphic explicit violence (implicit is fine) (this is to be respectful and responsible of the high schoolers’ parents in the audience with them, even if the high schoolers themselves do not care)

• Try to not have any hateful speech towards religious groups or a persons’ sexual orientation (context may change that)

• ABSOLUTELY NO depictions animals or children in severe psychological or physical danger or harm

• Please limit your FILM/STUDENT PROJECT to be NO LONGER THAN 16 1/2 MINUTES

• Please limit your MUSIC VIDEO to be NO LONGER THAN 7 1/2 MINUTES

• Everything else is far game