Karama Yemen Film Festival is the first and only film festival in Yemen. Acting as a window to the world, and a window into Yemeni culture, the festival aims to provide Yemenis with open, safe, and free platforms that employ the arts to discuss topics related to human rights, social justice, and democracy. The program runs on an annual basis with a mission to normalize artistic and cultural platforms and festivals and to encourage public participation in the arts. It works to promote cinema and visual media across the Yemeni people and acts as a bridge between local and international audiences.

The program targets young Yemenis, HR defenders, artists, creative creators, researchers, and cultural practitioners, and brings them together with audience members to embark on a journey of learning and exploration through cinema and film, through discussion and debate, and through fostering spontaneous safe spaces. As such, the program further wishes to attract decision-makers and the regional and international community to advocate for HR issues concerning Yemeni youth.

Each year, the festival has a different theme, and an open call is made for film submissions and panel discussions. The festival is launched and includes a number of activities like film screenings, panel discussions, master classes, and festival awards. The festival is unique in its ability to bring people together and allow them to discuss unconventional topics that are often considered “taboo”, and as such emphasize the role of the arts in motivating positive change and contributing to more diverse and accepting communities.

A selection of films will compete in the following Barran Award.

All awards come with a Cash Price awarded to the director/producer of the Film.

Best Short Fiction Film
Best Short Documentary
Best Yemeni Film.

We are currently accepting entries for films of the following genres: short fiction, short documentary, short animation, and Yemeni productions, produced after 2019.

The Submitter authorizes Karama Yemen to use all submitted promotional material up to 2 minutes of clips of the film for any promotional activity of the film or the festival, including the clip’s broadcasting on televisions and their websites, as on Karama’s Yemen website.

The Submitter authorizes Karama Yemen to screen the film in its main event, mid-cycle screenings, and Karama Package 2023 and does not charge any screening fees.

Online screenings will be agreed upon with the filmmakers following the film’s acceptance by the festival, mainly issues of rights and screening methods.

Overall Rating

  • A real film festival is born in one of the oldest cities of civilization. Congratulations, it was a great honor for me to participate at least with the film. I will definitely send you my next film. Long live the festival and many thanks.

    July 2023
  • Miguel Otálora

    We feel extremely happy that our project "One Serving per Can" was selected for the festival this year. We followed all the festival news and it looked amazing. Staff even sent us a video of the projection and it was really special to see all that people gathered and watching our film. All the love to Karama Yemen Human rights Film Festival.

    July 2023