We accept all genres of animated films. Short Films must be 30 seconds minimum to 30 minutes maximum.
Director or writer and producer must be a person of African descent.
We like to have screenshots or images, and a poster of each film so we can promote you.
Any language accepted. If dialogues other than English: English subtitles are mandatory.
All short films under 30 minutes must submit to any category.
All entries are final. Multiple entries are allowed, with the same film or different films. Each entry comes with its submission fee.
If you are a student: please load your student ID into your submitter profile. The film credits must list the director(s) name(s) and the exact duration of the film, all included. By submitting your film, you are allowing the festival to screen the film, promote the film with the elements at our disposal, publish that information on our website, and to use the elements listed on your submission in any manner useful to run the festival. If you wish a correction is made on our listings or website, just ask for it. Your authorization may extend to our partnerships. Again, if you wish not to comply with some of our use of your material, just tell us. We're here to promote you. You must have all the necessary rights /permissions including music rights appearing in your film.
Specific requirements by category:
Best Animated Short
Any animation technique, any genre. Must be 30 seconds minimum to 30 minutes maximum.
Best Film 2D (Short)
A film using an animation technique where each frame is drawn by hand.
A film made by using any 2D animation software. Must be 30 seconds minimum to 30 minutes maximum.
Best Film 3D (Short)
A film made by using any 3D animation software. Must be 30 seconds minimum to 30 minutes maximum.
Best Sound
Best Music
Best Student Film (Short)
Any animation technique, any genre. Must submit a student ID and school name we can verify.
Best Story
This category rewards the story you tell, only. This way we can reward your originality, poetry, and storytelling.
Best Design
This category rewards the design of your film. This way we can reward your style, atmosphere, and technical talent.
Best Animated Game Trailer
This category is for submissions that have been as trailer for a video game, internet game or mobile game.
Trailers must be 30 seconds minimum to 30 minutes maximum.
Finalists in each category will have their films screened on the day of the festival.
Winners may have a link to their winning film featured on our website and shared on our social media pages.