International Film Festival of documentary and short feature film
Pale, Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Golden Maple for best:
Short student film
Short experimental film
Short feature film
Documentary film that lasts up to 50 minutes
Documentary television film
Environmental film
Tourist film
JAHORINA FILM FEST is a constant cultural event, whose founder is association of Citizens Jahorinafest. It is both domestic and international competitive film festival of artistic achievements in the field of short film, animated and documentary film made by film or video (digital) techniques. The festival takes place in Pale, once a year and begins in the last week of September.
Festival consists of three main program components:
- Competitive domestic program
- Competitive international program
- Supporting, non-competitive, film and other contents
Domestic and foreign short film, documentary and short films intended for public presentation may participate in the festival. All legal entities registered for the production of films and film authors can apply to the festival. All films must contain separated English subtitle file (.srt, or similar file).
Festival includes programs that do not have competitive nature, such as retrospectives, interviews with authors, exhibitions and workshops. Festival reserves the right on final decisions of the program in which the film will be shown.
Domestic and international competitive program has eight categories:
1. Short student film
2. Short experimental film
3. Short animated film
4. Documentary film that lasts up to 50 minutes
5. Documentary television film
6. Short feature film
7. Environmental film
8. Tourist film
Domestic and international films apply to the Festival and compete in categories.
The Festival shows films recorded or finalized in digital SD, HD or FullHD format.
Films submitted can not be withdrawn from the festival program. The final decision on the festival program is made by the Council on the proposal of selector, selection committee and artistic director. Submissions are not charged.
Director or authorized person who reported the film undertakes not to withdraw the film from the festival after publication of the official festival program. Director, producer and distributor of award-winning films are bound to mention the prize in official promotion materials, as well as during the film distribution.
Films shown at previous festival will not be considered for selection as well as films that are older than two years.
Signing the application considers acceptance of the festival rules.
Movie(s) along with the completed applications should be sent to the following address:
St. Karađorđeva 25
71420 Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Or by using some of the specialized servers on the internet.
All incoming charges are paid by the sender.
The deadline for submission of films selected for the competition part of the program is no later than 45 days before the beginning of the Festival.
All submitted films that correspond to the propositions of the festival will be displayed
in one of the festival's programs. The films selected in the official competition, for which the consent of the author or the authorized person was obtained, will be shown via ground based transmitters of regional TV station (OSM). The rest of the films will be presented at the Festival center. The selection of films that will take part in competitive program is carried out by the assessment panel.
Audiovisual records of submitted films (screeners) will remain in the archives of the Festival for the documentary, educational and cultural purposes. For ease of storage, movies may be included in the digital database.
Festival reserves the right to screen the awarded films in the projection areas
without special charge, but with notification of the copyright holder, for promotion of awarded films and the festival itself.
Festival Jury consists of five members. Members of the jury are led by the regulations for the work of jury. Decisions of the jury are final and irrevocable. The jury is obligated to review all films in Program competition. Jury members must be provided with adequate working conditions. Movies that are in any way connected with the jury members are not allowed to participate in the competition for Awards.
The jury is making evaluation according to their own criteria, and their work follows the procedure rules for jury and the Festival procedure rules.
Official award of the festival is “Golden Mapple” (diploma and satue), and it is given for:
- The best film in the category of Short student film
- The best film in the category of Short experimental film
- The best film in the category of Short animated film
- The best film in the category of Short feature film
- The best film in the category of Documentary film that lasts up to 50 minutes
- The best film in the category of Documentary television film
- The best film in the category of Environmental film
- The best film in the category of Tourist film
- Grand Prix of the Festival (the best film at the festival)
If, for their quality, some films stand out, jury can award them with special diplomas for directing, animation, music, design, camera and scenario. Special prizes may be awarded by the festival, professional organizations, non government organizations, media…etc
Depending on the budget, the festival leaves the possibility for cash prizes.
In addition to the application form, following materials should be sent in the form of e-mail:
- Short synopsis of the film and trailer
- At least three photos from the film that are adequate for printing
- Director’s photography and biography including the year of birth
- Promotional material (press packages, posters…etc)
With the signature provided on the application form, the festival is given permission to use and publish all the materials mentioned above, in the festival catalogue, on the internet, as well as for the press service needs.
At the same time festival is given permission to publish sequences of the film (up to 10% of total duration) for the promotional purposes. Selection materials will not be returned. Festival reserves the right to reject film prints of poor technical quality that can cause problems during playback.
Signing the application producer or director accepts the rules of Festival and guarantees for the accuracy of the data given.
The association of citizens Jahorinafest is the organizer of the festival in cooperation with television OSM from Pale.
For all artistic decisions, including festival appearance (promotion, festival trailer, catalog) and the program of the festival, the organizer is responsible to the Festival Council, composed of prominent members of the cultural and social life in the surroundings.
Association of citizens- Jahorinafest
St. Karađorđeva 25
tel: 057 226679
fax: 057 224788
Items that are not covered by these regulations shall be considered directly by Festival organizers in accordance to the statute. In the case of a dispute all issues related to Festival are subjected under the jurisdiction of the court in Istočno Sarajevo. The festival organizer has the discretionary right to decide and resolve cases that are not specified by this ordinance, but always in interest of art and film.
With the entry into force of this Regulation, the previous regulation is repealed.
- October 2019