The International KidsNFilm Festival (Solano County, CA) celebrates youth actors and filmmakers. It is a forum for youth and professional filmmakers to showcase their work and creativity. Our main goal with Kids N Film has been encouraging self-esteem, confidence building, and creativity through on-camera and behind-the-scene production training.

Youth filmmakers and actors from around the globe will not only have the opportunity to have their films screened, but it is also a chance to interact with professionals and peers in attendance. It is your moment to talk about challenges, techniques, goals, or simply the fun you had during the filmmaking process. It is a time to shine, inspire, and show off your talent to California's North Bay Area Community, whether in front of the camera or behind the camera.

We welcome fun, positive, entertaining, challenging, and thought-provoking films, including those with diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.

Films submitted must be for a youth audience and family-friendly. A jury of industry professionals chooses films, rating all entries on entertainment value, originality, acting ability, production value, and the message conveyed.

Please visit our website for a list of the 2023 International KidsNFilm Festival Winners.

Submission categories include Professionals: Adults 18 and over; Children: Ages 12 and under; and Youth: Ages 13-17. The (1st Place) best of each category will receive a trophy if submitted by a U.S. resident or an electronic laurel for winning submitters outside of the United States.

Best Narrative Short Film
10 minutes or less

Best Documentary Short Film
10 minutes or less

Best Animation
10 minutes or less

Films submitted under the following must be "created" by youth.

Best Narrative Short Film
10 minutes or less
Ages 12 and under
Ages 13-17

Best Documentary Short Film
10 minutes or less
Ages 13-17

Best Animation/Stop Motion Short Film
10 minutes or less
Ages 12 and under
Ages 13-17

The Featured Short Film may be submitted by Professionals and/or youth.

Featured Short Film
11-20 minutes
We will select one featured short film to screen at the awards ceremony.
The featured short film will be promoted via social media and highlighted with the Director on the website and at the film festival.

Winning filmmakers outside of the US will receive electronic 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Laurels. We do not mail trophies outside of the U.S. No Exceptions!

The International KidsNFilm Festival can not help defray travel and lodging costs for those out of the area wishing to attend.

Award categories are subject to change and may include a cash prize for Best of Festival. The International KidsNFilm Festival reserves the right to move a film to a category we feel more appropriate or one we believe is not representative of the submission age group.

Selections are final, are the decision of The International KidsNFilm Festival, and are not subject to appeal.

While we have a live event scheduled, we are at the mercy of the COVID-19 virus, and in the event, the live event may be postponed; however, our jurors will still be hard at work reviewing your films. In the event of a postponement of the live screening, winning films will appear in a private, online screening event. All selected films will be announced on our website.
We reserve the option to additionally host an online-virtual event at some time after the live screening. The screening reel will also be shown on Vallejo Community Access Television and additional community access television stations. See notes under rules & Terms.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.

The rules herein are subject to change without prior notice; however, we will make reasonable efforts to inform submitters of any change. We do not guarantee or assume that such intimation will be given. You are responsible for regularly visiting this page to understand, comply, and be notified of any change in rules and guidelines.

Submissions must be:

1. Professional filmmakers/directors must submit under the professional category.

2. Children and Youth categories "produced" by youth aged 17 and under. These projects may include those under the supervision of an adult, as a class or workshop project.

3. An original video, you own all rights or have written permission to use.

4. Have original music or music you are permitted to use or licensed for use.

5. In English or with “legible” English subtitles. 

6. Have a high-quality NTSC film version available; High Definition (1920 x 1080p) is preferred. However, shorts may be filmed on smartphones, iPads, digital cameras, camcorders, or other devices where the film is submitted in high-resolution digital format.

Be family-oriented. No graphic violence, foul, vulgar, harsh language, or nudity. We maintain the final say in what is inappropriate for youth audiences.

If your film is selected, a downloadable file must be submitted. Download permission is granted via FilmFreeway. Projects may be transferred via Dropbox, Vimeo, emailed, or submitted via a no-fee to the downloader-based site such as Google Drive or another source.

All entry fees paid are non-refundable. NO WAIVERS WILL BE ISSUED.

Entered films have a non-exclusive, limited-use agreement for The International Kids N Film Festival to use film titles, trailers (if applicable), excerpts from film or film posters for festival and film promotional use, including online, print, or broadcast media to promote the festival before and after the screening date for festival promotional purposes. Filmmakers retain all rights, titles, and interests to their films and all Intellectual Property.

The undersigned shall indemnify and hold harmless The International KidsNFilm Festival from and against any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs of the court) that may be incurred because of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered. Plagiarism of any sort is neither encouraged nor accepted.

BY SUBMITTING YOUR FILM, you are agreeing to the following:
You permit your film to be a part of The International KidsNFilm Festival.

You grant The International KidsNFilm Festival permission to use film clips, excerpts, or stills from your film project for promotional use both before the festival and in the promotion of subsequent festivals.

You grant any third parties at The International KidsNFilm Festival the right to film or photograph your appearance and voice for marketing or festival promotions.

Submitting a film to The International Kids N Film Festival constitutes an agreement by and between the filmmaker/representative and applicable Parent/Guardian of a minor Filmmaker and The International Kids N Film Festival.

By submitting, You agree to these rules, terms, and conditions. You acknowledge that no submission fee refunds are given once this application has been submitted. You also acknowledge that You will not be compensated for using your film by the rules, terms, and conditions.

You understand and acknowledge that if You are 17 years of age or under, a parent, guardian, or supervising Director/Instructor with parental permission must agree to the submission terms listed herein on your behalf. As the Parent or Guardian of a minor filmmaker, You understand and acknowledge that You agree to the terms listed herein on behalf of the child, or as a Supervising Instructor, Director, or Producer, you are legally designated or hold written rights to submit on behalf of the student or youth project. 

Films will be screened at a live screening. Private viewing online screening in the event of COVID-19 restrictions. The festival also reserves the right to highlight the screening reel from the festival on our city’s local community access television program network and other local cable access stations.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.

Overall Rating
  • The staff at KidsNFilm were extremely nice and the communication on email with them was easy going. I'm very thankful for the wonderful opportunity I was given by them!

    December 2024
  • Thank you for the selection of "Adult" and for the support of our country!

    November 2023
  • Benjamin W Jones

    We were honored to screen our film and be recognized as a Finalist at the 2023 edition of the International KidsNFilm Festival. We were thrilled to be a part of a festival that both encourages children to create and promotes family-friendly content! Thank you, Jacalyn, jurors, and the entire festival team! May you continue your good work for years to come!

    October 2023
  • Hui Tan

    It is my great honor to receive your announcement!
    I deeply appreciate The International KidsNFilm Festival to provide this opportunity for filmmakers to represent their films and share their experiences!
    Tan, Hui

    December 2022
  • It was a great experience! I am honoured to receive the best documentary award for my short doc-Yaar. Thank You!

    November 2022