If you receive your submission confirmation email from FilmFreeway, then your submission has been received.
If you have selected 'student entry fees', you will have to show proof that you, or a key member of the production (writer, director, producer), are current students in the year of that awards. Failure to do so will result in disqualification and no refund will be given.
There is no limit to the number of categories you can submit to.
Submitters agree to have have selected frames of their films used on Horrified social media.
Only films completed after January 2019 are eligible for submission.
Submitters agree to join the Horrified newsletter which they can unsubscribe from at any time.
All films not in the English language must have English subtitles.
Submissions will be accepted via FilmFreeway only.
Entry fees are nonrefundable.
All judging and jury decisions are final.
We do not accept extremist or propaganda content from religious or political organisations.
By submitting you are allowing Horrified Film Festival to use clips, your trailer, teaser clip, film poster and stills for promotional purposes only. Horrified will never post, distribute, release or show the film or reveal plot information of any submission.
All rights, clearances and permissions must be obtained prior to submission and applicants must ensure that they have the right to submit the work with regard to third parties connected to the production of the film in question. By entering your work you agree to this and the responsibilities involved. Horrified Film Festival assumes no responsibility for violation of copyright law.
Please note that submission fees will not be refunded if your film does not meet these conditions and Horrified Film Festival reserve the right to disqualify any submissions that don’t adhere to the above terms.