For 2023, HQFF is proud to partner with the Hamilton Film Festival. HQFF will present an evening of LGBTQ+ shorts as part of the 18th annual Hamilton Film Festival.

We are an LGBTQ+ film festival in Hamilton, Ontario - about an hour west of Toronto and just over an hour's drive from Buffalo, New York. We support LGBTQ+ filmmakers and films with LGBTQ+ subject matter or themes.

(Our inaugural festival, during the Covid19 pandemic, was an online event.)

Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.

Best LGBTQ short

By submitting your film for consideration for the Hamilton Queer Film Festival, you agree for HQFF to screen your short film if selected for the festival and you remain obligated to this commitment.

Films should run under 15 minutes in length.

Films of all genres, including documentaries, are accepted, provided the filmmaker and/or subject matter is LGBTQ+.

All films must be submitted through FilmFreeway.

Overall Rating
  • Bob Woolsey

    What a fantastic little festival! My film screened as part of their inaugural lineup and I couldn't be more proud. The organizers were on the ball and very friendly. I can't wait to see how this festival grows over the next few years. I really think it will be a must-submit among the Canadian Queer festival circuit in no time.

    June 2021
    Response from festival:

    We were thrilled to have your short film as part of our inaugural festival! Thanks so much for your submission.

  • Katy Dore

    Congratulations to Co-directors Darren and Lisa for a successful inaugural festival! The line-up of films was a celebration of what it means to be human. Well done. I look forward to attending in person in the future.

    June 2021
    Response from festival:

    Thanks so much for joining us for our inaugural festival! And congratulations on your award for Best Director.