Festival "Golden Snail" is a World Children Animated Film Festival which takes place in month September 2025. in Vranje, Serbia. "Golden Snail" gathers young filmmakers from all over the world. Any studio, club or school who works with children in a field of film animation are welcome to our festival. Films must be made BY CHILDREN not for children by professionals.
The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Vranje.

Grand Prix
Golden Snail
Silver Snail
Bronze Snail
Special mention "Nikola Majdak"

Our festival "Golden Snail 2025" accepts films

- MADE BY CHILDREN in two categories:
Small Snails - children up to age 15
Big Snails - children and youth from age 15 up to age 19.
- Duration up to 10 minutes
- Films must be made after 1 June, 2023
- We accept only animated films made "frame by frame" in any animation technique
- We also accept films in which there is a combination of live footage and animation, but the animation must be more than 50 percent of the film
- All films that are not in the Serbian language must be subtitled in English.
-The festival will not accept films that present violence and discrimination on any basis (religious, national, etc.)
- The festival has the right to publicly show a part or the whole of the animated film for the purpose of its advertising and promotion
- Acceptable video format are MP4 and MPEG
- Awarded films will be shown on our Youtube channel
https://www.youtube.com/c/Å AFVranjeSrbija

Overall Rating