The undersigned, the authorised representative of the project named below and throughout this application (hereafter called the “submission(s)”) for consideration for the 2025 Glowflare Horror Film Festival (hereafter called the “festival”), hereby represents that they have read, understood, and agreed to the following;
1. Due to the volume of entries received, the “festival” unable to provide individual feedback on your “submission(s)”.
2. The “festival” is not responsible for any internal comments obtained by the applicant regarding their “submission(s)”.
3. All “submission(s)” that qualify based on the regulations and eligibility requirements stated here will be considered by a team of programmers at the “festival”. The date of entry bears no relation to the selection decision, the film will be considered equally with all other “submission(s)”.
4. Any “submission(s)” by mail will not be returned and/or considered.
5. Any “submission(s)” by electronic mail will not be returned and/or considered.
6. All applicants must complete the official festival submission form located on FilmFreeway.
7. There is no exclusion for “submission(s)” that have been featured at other film festivals or have private, unpublicised screenings are eligible for entry.
8. Any “submission(s)” currently available on streaming services may also be included for entry.
9. Multiple versions of the same “submission(s)” will not be considered.
10. Any “submission(s)” which is not presented in English require embedded captions or otherwise subtitles or dubbing in English language. The exception to this rule is the film contains minimal dialogue and not necessary for the comprehension of the “submission(s)”.
11. If the “submission(s)” does not play on the embedded video player or the password does not work, or the “submission(s)” is otherwise not viewable, the “festival” will attempt to rectify this with you directly. It is the responsibility of the person submitting to update any changed passwords or links. In the event we receive no reply regarding the “submission(s)” the “festival” reserves the right to disqualify the “submission(s)” without refund.
12. Any “submission(s)” that has previously been submitted to the “festival” are ineligible.
13. Any “submission(s)” which is incomplete or work in progress can be submitted for consideration. We can accept a submission for example, where the final sound mix is not yet complete, or colour grading is yet to be finished, but we would need to see a fully completed version of the “submission(s)” by the “festival” final deadline.
14. Any “submission(s)” holds sole responsibility of any copyright clearance. The “festival” takes copyright seriously, unauthorised copyrighted material is ineligible. Please ensure you have the full clearance before making the “submission(s)”. The “festival” reserves the right to disqualify the “submission(s)” without refund.
15. The "festival" retains the right to utilize, adapt, and recycle trailers, stills, images, and posters from your “submission(s)” for promotional purposes across a range of media, including but not limited to; film magazines, social media, and websites.
16. The "festival" reserves the authority to alter the format of screenings and events as necessitated by circumstances affecting public health and well-being. In such instances, submission refunds will only be granted if the festival cannot be rescheduled.
17. The “festival” is only able to select music videos “submission(s)” made with the permission of the music artist whose music is featured. Please include a release form with your “submission(s)”.
18. The "festival" does not provide screening fees, revenue, or shares for any "submission(s)," whether they are in or out of competition.
19. Selected "submission(s)" will need to provide a DCP (Digital Cinema Package). We can offer assistance in creating the DCP, which will be available for a fee.
20. All selected "submission(s)" will be expected to supply a subtitle track or captions for the hard of hearing to align with our accessibility commitment. The festival team will offer assistance and provide facilities to support this requirement.
21. For all chosen "submission(s)" lacking a BBFC certificate, they will receive an automatic certification for ages 18 and over, regardless of whether the content necessitates it. This approach is adopted due to the impracticality of obtaining individual certificates for each "submission(s)" from the local licensing authority. Exceptions may be sought for specific "submission(s)," such as premieres.
22. All filmmakers traveling from overseas will not receive compensation for their attendance and are expected to handle their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The "festival" can provide suggestions for accommodations in the vicinity of the festival venue.
23. Filmmakers participating in the "festival" have the opportunity to join a live Q&A session, which will be recorded, shared on social media platforms, and provided to the associated press. If in-person attendance is not feasible, we can help coordinate a pre-recorded Q&A session.
24. All footage captured by the "festival" will be utilized for promotional purposes concerning both the "festival" itself and your "submission(s)".
25. Once selected and the screening has been accepted, no "submission(s)" can be withdrawn for any reason.
26. Any "submission(s)" to be considered at the "festival" for a premiere, the "submission(s)” must have its UK theatrical premiere. A premiere, in this context, is defined as a "submission(s)" that has not been publicly screened in the UK or featured in a UK-based film festival. If you require further clarification, please reach out to us at
27. Any "submission(s)" that has been screened to a private audience or unpublicised screenings remains eligible to be considered.
28. Any "submission(s)" currently available on streaming services can not be considered for a premier, unless the release date is after the festival.
- The "submission(s)" is unable to be considered for a premier if available on streaming services, the exception to this rule is the release date is after the event.
29. The "submission(s)" must have not played or screened at another UK festival and must not marked as released on IMDb..
30. The “festival” does not have any premiere rules for a short film.
If you have completed the submission process for this season, please stay tuned to our social media pages @GFHorrorFestUK for festival updates. Notifications regarding the selection status of your film will be sent on the festival notification date. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at