@ 22 June 2021

GS8D2021 is postponed to the GS8D2025 11 October 2025

Declaration GS8D2025

After deep discussion, we have now decided to postpone GS8D2021 again, now to 2025. In June 2020, we had high hopes that Covid-19 could end in 2021. While the Covid-19 situation has indeed recently become much more relaxed in parts of the world, it remains catastrophic in others. We want to show solidarity and responsibility. No one should feel excluded from GS8D. A Global Super8 Day should have at least equal conditions worldwide. We know from some Super8 friends that they are planning S8 events and S8 festivals in 2021. Of course, we are all very happy about that. That’s why we are opening our event page for all Super8 events, no matter when, no matter where. We are also declaring each second Saturday in October as “little GS8D’s”. Whoever is in a position to plan and hold GS8D events in the years 2021 – 2024, please do so. The GS8D lives on your initiative - more than ever! However, the aim is to celebrate a truly worldwide GS8D2025 in a dignified, solidary and responsible manner. Then it really will be: 25 years of Global Super8 Day! Thank you for your understanding! Walk on!

Event-date 22 June 2025 is due to technical reasons. It will be 11 October 2025.


Global Super 8 Day 2020 is postponed to 9th october 2021

After detailed discussion, the GS8D2020 will be postponed to October 9, 2021, i.e. by one year. The GS8D-Committee would consider it unsolidary and irresponsible to call for GS8D events worldwide during this time. Even though the situation regarding Covid-19 is clearly improving in Europe, it is still very acute and catastrophic in North and South America. We know very well that both filming on Super8 and organizing GS8D events require a lot of attention, energy and time. With the decision to postpone the event by one year, we hope to achieve the same good conditions worldwide.

Even in this bad news let´s try to find something good. For example to ask local film festivals, cinemas, theaters or museums to be part of the GS8D2021. There are more than 15 month in advance. At least a chance ..

The submit form on the website is ready and open for your GS8D-Events

We would like to thank everyone who has been so committed to the GS8D2020. So we are now looking forward to October 9, 2021, in order to prepare a worldwide, well-prepared celebration of the Super8 film with all of you. Thanks for your understanding!

First of all, we are overwhelmed by your many and kind submissions, thank you all. But please, be aware we are looking for Super-8-Films, but which will be screened on your own Super 8-Event the 10.10.20 - the Global-Super-8-Day - worldwide. Please have a look to our website before you submit your film. Anyway, w´ll try to create a plattform, where all Super-8-Filmmakers may offer there filmwork to all GS8D-Eventmakers arround the world for GS8D2020. But that may takes time. Thanks for your understanding!

@ 15th october 2019: We are very surprised that despite clear and obvious references to Super 8 films, obviously all sorts of film work is submitted here. We simply don't have the capacity to individually deal with obvious non-Super-8 movies. They are deleted without comment, disqualified.

In order to end the many unrestrained submissions of wrong film formats, the nominal fee of $10 applies immediately. And the mentioned platform for the switching of genuine Super-8 films to Super-8 events to the GS8D2020 is so far only a wish. A refund is in no case possible.

The GS8D provides a framework that you fill in and design on location worldwide with your own Super 8 movies and S8 events. GS8D is a decentralized, international independent film festival – thanks to you! We are looking forward to many great, colourful, charming, inspiring, cool Super 8 events arround the globe to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Global Super 8 Day and 55 years of Super 8!

There is no competion, no awards. The Olympic principle applies: participating in the GS8D is everything!

Films that promote violence, race, and religion or gender discrimination or contain explicit drug advertisement are not welcome to official GS8D-Events programms. GS8D demands respect!

GS8D likes to promote artistic and independent Super-8-Films only. Invite your audiance to bring there own Super-8-Films to your event, that motivates!

There is no competion, no awards. The Olympic principle applies: participating in the GS8D is everything!

GS8D likes to encourage all S8-enthusiasts, especially independent S8-groupes, individuals and cinemas, all art and other museums, all galleries and film festivals, all theatres, all art and film academys and any ohter film- or cultural institions to participape.

You make your own S8-Event according to our regulations, if you like, completely autonomously under your own responsibility

The more we are, the easier it gets for each of us!

Nobody today says Super-8 filmaking is cheap. We say it’s worth its price!

As participating Super-8-Film and -eventmaker you are GS8D! We love you!