Gange sur Seine is an International Independent Indian Film Festival that will take place at
multiple cinema venues in Paris, from October 2 to October 8 2024.

On this occasion, one will have the opportunity to discover the richness and diversity of Indian independent cinema. Our festival focuses on the diversity of the Indian film industry, showcasing independent films from different languages, genres and regions of India. Our mission is to facilitate and reinforce cultural relations between India and France with a specific focus on the audio-visual industry, co-productions and cinema.
There will be a competition with a designated jury of movie experts and celebrities. The French audience will be able to discover the traditions, values and beliefs of this country with cultural activities that we have planned during the event.

Festival Winners are notified & sent certified copies within 12 weeks.

Gange Sur Seine encourages world premieres or French premiere. All films must be French subtitled and on DCP.
Gange Sur Seine is able to help and collaborate with you in subtitling of your films but it remains your responsibility.
Indian Film makers as well as South Asian Film makers including non-Indian film makers working with an Indian subject or a South Asian subject are eligible to apply.
Films completed prior to 2021 are not encouraged for submissions but exceptions may apply.
Feature films, shorts, documentaries are accepted.
The festival does not guarantee the selection of any of these categories should the quality of the film is not endorsed by the selection panel.
All selected films will be notified by an official mail.
Given the number of anticipated submissions, we are unable to notify the films that have not been selected for screening. Some of these films will be also screened in Toulouse city under an event banner 'Gange Sur Garonne' at a later date.

Overall Rating
  • Benoît RAOULX

    Thank you for organizing this amazing international Indian film festival in Paris. It was an honour to be part of this event and to have received the Best Director Award for my documentary "Nani India". An engaging audience made this experience memorable.
    All my appreciation to the Jury and the Festival Committee members.

    Merci pour ce passionnant festival international du cinéma indien à Paris. Je suis très honoré d'avoir été sélectionné et d'avoir reçu le prix du meilleur réalisateur (documentaire). Les échanges avec le public ont été très riches.
    Un grand merci au jury et au comité du festival.

    October 2024
    Response from festival:

    Merci beaucoup