Rules & Terms
Fim Submission Rules
1. Festival programming staff will select and invite films at their discretion. Entrants will be notified, if selected, via phone call or email, on or before July 30, 2025. Please feel free to email us regarding your film's status.
2. If selected, filmmakers are expected to provide the following: (a) Exhibition Format: DCP (required for all theatrical screenings) (b) Full press kit including film stills and director photo (slides, hard copies, or digital TIFF files of minimum 300 dpi by emailed); synopsis; full production credits; and director biography. Additional collateral material including postcards, posters, etc. may be included if available. (c) Clips or trailers to be used for press, promotion, and awards ceremonies. NOTE: Failure to submit a DCP promptly or notify GCUFF of the need to produce a DCP within 10 days of official selection will result in disqualification from official selection. No exceptions.
3. All submitted DCPs must be created to the following specifications OR DCP submissions will be rejected:
a. If your film is 2K (or below), DCPs must be formatted as either DCI FLAT (1.85:1) 1998 x 1080 OR DCI SCOPE (2.39:1) 2048 x 858. If your film is 4K, DCPs must be formatted as either DCI FLAT 3996 x 2160 (1.85:1) or DCI SCOPE 4096 x 1716 (2.39:1). NOTE: It is recommended that HD/UHD content be formatted in a FLAT container to avoid projection issues.
b. Acceptable DCP frame rates are 24, 25, 30, 60. Acceptable resolutions are 1080p, 2K, and 4K. Acceptable audio formats are Stereo, Surround 5.1, Surround 7.1, and Dolby ATMOS.
c. Encryption is not necessary however, if an encrypted DCP is shipped, please alert the GCUFF Content Supervisor and send Keys separately via an approved electronic delivery system. NOTE: GCUFF is NOT responsible for screening films that are delivered as an encrypted DCP. Please test all Keys before shipping to ensure unlocking at screening time and please set Keys to unlock your film for the entire duration of the festival to ensure screening.
If you have any questions, please contact your GCUFF representative.
4. Selected films may be screened multiple times during the Festival at the GCUFF’s discretion. Your press kit material and film may be used to promote the following year's event.
5. NOTE: The GCUFF is not responsible for lost films or damage to any films during shipping, handling, or screening. All due effort will be taken to safeguard films during handling and screening. For best results please submit your DCP as soon as possible.
Eligibility/Rules of Entry
Films/videos entered into the competition must be directed, produced, or principally acted by an artist of African descent in the USA or in any country, or by a person born in any country in Africa, or whose subject matter relates to African American culture or any cultures of Africa regardless of race. Clarify questions of eligibility prior to submission of entry. Each project entered into the festival must pay an entry fee. There is no limit to the number of qualifying entries by any entrant so long as an entry form and fee accompanies each entry. Foreign language entries must be subtitled with English sub-titles. Entrants shall obtain all licenses, royalties, and permits necessary to present their work. Entrants will assume all costs arising from the use of patented, trademarked, franchised or copyrighted music, materials, devices, processes, or dramatic rights used in the production of work. Entries previously exhibited on the Internet are eligible for entry so long as they meet the above requirements.
Legal Notice: By submitting your film, you're representing that you are duly authorized to submit your film and commit it for screening at the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival and hereby do so in consideration of a submission fee and the festival's promise to screen your film, if selected. Accordingly, this shall constitute a binding agreement between the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival and you as the applicant or filmmaker. If your film is selected, you shall submit a DCP before midnight on August 5, 2025 and adhere to all rules and regulations of the festival. Failure to do so will result in your film’s disqualification from the festival. No exceptions. You agree to hold the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival harmless from damage to or loss of the screening/exhibition copy en route or otherwise during the festival's possession of the film. You understand and agree that the Cleveland Urban Film Festival is not obligated to return any film not personally retrieved at the close of screening. Should any liability or damage result or legal action commence, stemming from the submission and/or exhibition of your film, you agree to indemnify the Cleveland Urban Film Festival and its affiliates and waive any claims. By submitting your film, you confirm that you have read and fully understand the above terms and conditions and further agree that the submission constitutes your electronic signature upon receipt by the festival.