A Film Festival showcasing young filmmakers’ short films.
FGFF has been created with graduates and young filmmakers in mind. We aim to improve emerging filmmakers visibility and to offer more opportunities in the industry.
If selected in the film festival the films will be judged by a panel of people in the industry specialising in different roles. This year we have an experienced cinematographer, documentary film director and the managing director of the festival
If selected you will also receive a line of feedback on your film from industry professionals.
Selected – These are given to 3 of the selected within each category, the laurel alone signifies the inclusion of a network of young creatives and a selective community.
Winner – Winner Laurels are given to the individual short film of each category. This is the highest laurel which signifies your success at our festival
Certificates: The custom made certificates are awarded to the winners.
Tickets: Tickets to enter your film in the festival are £15. This is an entry fee to be entered into the selection process. Each film will be judged to ensure it meets our criteria and what the festival stands for. If your film is selected it will then be judged by industry professionals who give criticism and feedback. Once the judges reach a decision for each category, a winner will be announced for the 'Film of the Month' category receiving a laurel and will automatically be entered in the annual festival for ' Film of the Year' receiving 2 tickets to the venue.
Entry: Once entered into the festival you are automatically entered into the sub categories of department awards. Which are: Best Cinematography, Best Sound Design, Best Music, Best Production Design and Best Editing.
At the annual festival, the winner of the 'Short Film of the Year' category will receive a cash prize and a trophy.