Fresh Cut Film Fest mixes the lush green mountains of rural Vermont, with high-end tech and incredibly fast internet.
Friday night will include winning films being shown at Springfield Cinemas 3 in Springfield Vermont - followed by a private mixer in the beautiful woods for filmmakers, their families, and the youth program to celebrate and meet each other. This is a great time to network, connect for future projects, and perhaps spark internships. While there is no regional limit on this year's Festival, we ask that applicants come to the event in person.
Saturday all the youth short films will be shown at the theater during the Springfield Street Fest - so anyone can come on in and see what the young filmmakers are up to. This portion is free and open to the public.
Winners will have their film showcased at the Springfield Cinema, and will be invited to a catered event with guests the evening of the Festival. There will be a keynote speaker, as well as two winning prizes.
Advertisements will be made on local radio stations, mainly WCFR, drumming up excitement and exposure to winners who are okay with being interviewed on air.