Plurielles International Film Festival awards upcoming and contemporary films that showcase global inclusion, diversity and women empowerment.

International Competition : features from all over the world can be submitted. Must be completed by 2023 or 2024
Documentaries, Animation movies are also in competition.

Films not in original french language must be subtitled.

We also have a special selection and competition for first and second feature films, documentaries, short films and animated movies in french language.

- Best film
- Best original Screenplay
- Best actress or actor in a leading role
- Best actress or actor in a supporting role
- Jury Price
- Best Sound Design & Music

Best European Documentary
Best European short Film

EMERGENCE FILMS SELECTION (only in French language)
- Best First or Second Picture
- Best international short film in French language

AUDIENCE Award - All movies included.
PRESS Award - All movies included.
SPONSORS Award - short films

Productions must be completed in 2023 or 2024.
Films already available online will not be accepted.
Films must be available with French subtitles before being screened in the festival.
Short films must be under 30 minutes.

Overall Rating
  • Merci à toute l'équipe du Festival pour ce très joli moment au Cinema de Compiègne. J'ai trouvé la programmation magnifique, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir les courts et les longs en compétition et je repars bien sur très heureuse avec ce Prix du Public pour mon film Andréa. Longue vie à Pluriel.les !

    October 2024