1-The films in competition must have a minimum length of 5 minutes up to 15 minutes without opening or closing credits. (Applicable for national and international participants).
2- The short films and documentaries in competition can have a free subject. (Applicable for national and international participants).
3-All projects must maintain a no contest objectionable thematic treatment, allowing greater promotion of the proposal and open to all ages and tastes public. (Applicable for national and international participants).
4- The short films in competition must have a date limit production by 2015. (Applicable for national and international participants).
5-The films in competition may have participated in other festivals and competitions in the country or outside it. (Applicable for national and international participants).
6-The contest participants, transfer the rights to the festival exhibition and other available screens, web page and / or the television season indefinitely event and additional events where the festival is invited. (Applicable for national and international participants).
7-The organizing committee of the festival guarantees the rights of the participants and not giving copies to others that need it. (Applicable for national and international participants).
8 - Domestic participants must submit a compulsory basis, a trailer for the short film to promote it in all available media (website, television, social networks, cable channels). The trailer comes into competition category and should not have subtitles in any language. (Applicable for domestic participants).
9-Each participant must fill out a sheet, providing a digital photo of the managing director on stage and one or more frames of his short film to promote audiovisual in any means necessary, and in the catalog. (Applicable for national and international participants).
10-All materials delivered to the Participants of the festival organizing committee, can be used as advertising event in whatever Means Necessary are, for promotional purposes. (Applicable for national and international participants).
11-Each short film must be submitted in the format 1920 x 1080p (Full HD), recorded in HD picture and sound, allowing its projection on a giant screen quality. (For international participants only applies digital format).
12-Upon receipt of the short film festival director has the right to reject the bill for any consideration affecting the primary objectives of the event. (Applicable for national and international participants).
13-The films will be added to each function reel, to the extent that the projects and the amount of times they are displayed delivered will depend on the undercard of the festival. Each function is 90 minutes. (Applicable for national and international participants).
14-The festival awards prizes in cash or related to the film, provided that it receives the support of companies, ministries or national or international organizations to support the event items.
15-The festival promises to deliver the value of prizes in an original, as long as the sponsor guarantees this trophy.
16-The (two) international Spanish-speaking contestants must submit their projects in Spanish without subtitles except those produced in Anglophone, Francophone or other parts of the world countries.
17-International projects must deliver promotional trailer. This is part of the festival promotion resources and is not in competition. It is mandatory and is conditioned by the previous rule.
18-For Best Short film directed by men only enters the contest with stories about women from a valuable perspective and only participate in this category. It is binding all project information, arts, photos, sheet, delivered in digital format. Videos must be in HD (1920 x 1080 p). (Applicable for national and international participants).
19-The Festival supports this professional platform with its own financial resources and to produce this event requires a symbolic economic contribution of (the) participants. 20-The registration of each project is RD $ 1,000.00 Dominicans for (the) national contestants pesos and US $ 25.00 dollars for international. These funds are reinvested in all production costs of the event.
21-The participation of national and international projects at the festival, is an automatic acceptance of all rules and requirements of the event.