The Denver Jewish Film Festival brings the best of recent worldwide Jewish cinema to the metro Denver community each year. In 2020 we received a "Top 5 Denver Film Festivals" laurel from Beverly Boy Productions! We celebrated our 29th anniversary edition at our most recent festival iteration in January 2025.

For our 2026 festival iteration (our 30th Anniversary), we are looking for your Jewish interest and Israeli content from 2023 on. We are accepting submissions for both short and feature-length narratives and documentaries. All submissions must demonstrate significant Jewish or Israeli content and have fully completed post-production.

The festival format will remain hybrid in some form, with exact details to be determined at the time of contracting.

Official Selections of the Denver Jewish Film Festival are entered into our Audience Choice Award competition, which offers some sweet laurels for your promotional materials.

Your film MUST have adequate Jewish-Interest or Israeli content to be considered for programming at the Denver Jewish Film Festival. The narrative or subject matter should deal with explicitly Jewish themes. We love our fellow Jewish filmmakers, but being a member of the Tribe will not in itself suffice for programming.

Your film MUST be submitted in its final format, with all color-correction, sound mixing, and other post-production elements completed. We are not accepting works-in-progress at this time.

Overall Rating
  • Suzannah Warlick

    5 stars all around!! This was one of the best film festivals that I've attended. All communications with Jenna were prompt, efficient, and seamless. The team was so hospitable, generous, and warm when I finally met them at the screening. The theater was beautiful and the festival was very well organized. I really enjoyed my time there. I highly recommend the Denver Jewish Film Festival! Thank you so much for including me and my film Passage To Sweden.

    March 2023
  • Katie Green

    It was a pleasure to work with Denver jewish Film Festival, and they were incredibly patient with our technical hitches. We hope very much that they will accept our student work next year, too.

    February 2020