Désencadré is a three day long neo-experimental short-film festival that aims to bridge the gap between the establishment of a well wrapped, mass appeal production and a vibrant, independent scene that is often, erroneously, labeled as an elitarian niche.
With the screenings of 30 films from Italy and France the festival also elongates its platform for the young directors and the public to engage in multiple interactive symposiums with renowned professionals.
The expressive capacity of the short film, that of developing a plot in a few minutes while keeping the spectator glued to the screen, is like a technical-stylistic gymnasium, capable of exalting aspiring directors, increasing the possibility of being appreciated by the general public but, above all, by great cinema.
This framework provides to désencadré the chance to enhance the neo-experimental vague of the contemporary cinema, whose main common grounds are:
Absence of screenplay, dialogues and interpreters;
Production autonomy of the author;
Particular attention to the image in itself, starting from the single frame, to the infinite possibilities of manipulating it, with various types of techniques, both in the shooting phase and in the development and printing process;
Use of media that are not necessarily professional (8 mm, super 8, 16 mm) and in some cases no camera at all;
Particularly creative and non-linear use of editing;
Close relationship with other disciplines such as painting, music and photography;
Extraneousness to normal distribution channels.