The College of the Canyons International Animation Festival (IAF) is a gathering featuring aspiring, young student animators. The festival will highlight young artists looking to continue learning their craft and building a community. Specifically, we are looking for aspiring animators who are community college, high school, international, and four-year university students. We want to showcase these often-underrepresented students to give them the opportunity to present their films for awards and recognition. With no submission fee, this is a great opportunity for first-time animators to exhibit their work.

This festival serves as a showcase for films centered around student causes. We are especially interested in animated films exploring the topic of Climate Change. This special topic will have its own award category and films about Climate Change will be featured in the festival’s final presentation.

Films must be submitted by November 16, 2024. The list of selected films will be released March 7th. The festival event is on March 15th, with in-person components hosted at the Valencia campus of College of the Canyons. Please contact us at with any inquiries and see below for more details. Winning submissions will be featured on the webpage for IAF and COC’s Office of International Services & Programs, and will receive cash prizes. Kindly note that selection for review by our judges does not guarantee that the selected film will be screened at the festival.

For each category referenced above, the winning film will be awarded a certificate, and will be featured on the IAF webpage and COC’s ISP webpage

Rules & Terms

o All entries must be original, student-created films incorporating substantial animation components
o Past winners in prior iterations of the IAF are not eligible to win again
o There is no fee to submit
o All submitters must be in their senior year of their first bachelor's degree program (or younger) as of January 1, 2025, in order to be eligible
o All the works for the competition need to have been produced after January 1, 2022.
o By submitting your work, you certify that you hold necessary rights for the presentation of this film at IAF
o There is no limit to the amount of films that a filmmaker/director may submit
o Films may be of any length, but any submitted work of over 10 minutes in length may be presented in excerpted form
o In order to be admitted, the materials must be in English or presented with English subtitles (embedded)

1. If selected you will be required to additionally submit a .srt document with your dialogue list in English

o Films must be submitted via FilmFreeway
o Once a film has been submitted for participation it cannot be withdrawn
o IAF does not pay screening fees of any kind whatsoever
o The deadline for registration and submission of materials is November 30, 2024

Technical Guidelines:

1. We strongly recommend that you triple check your audio levels and that your audio is NOT limited to one channel (i.e., right or left).

2. Any film that includes main dialogue that is not in English must be submitted with English subtitles packaged into the submitted video file. Standalone .srt files are not accepted.

3. If your film has subtitles please make sure they are "Title Safe". For a detailed explanation of "Title Safe" please click here.

4. When uploading your submission, you must use the following file naming conventions:
• FirstNameLastName_FilmTitle.format
o Examples:
 JohnDoe_MyMovie.mp4

 We will only except the file formats listed below:
• .MP4
• .MOV

 Do not submit films in 4K. Please submit your film in 1080 HD resolution. Any film files that are larger than 2GBs will not be accepted.

 Do not submit using a YouTube link as they cannot be downloaded. Any submissions with a YouTube link will not be considered for selection or screening.

 Films that are accepted into the festival will be screened in 16:9 aspect ratio. If your film is submitted in a different ratio, your film will be letterboxed to display on the 16:9 screen.

Content Guidelines:

• All music, images, titles, footage and other copyrighted material used in your submission MUST be properly licensed. You must have permission and/or the proper rights to all content submitted

• There are various resources that offer royalty free music and images. We strongly encourage you to use original music

• Note that all submissions must be appropriate for a family-friendly forum in which minors and the general public will be viewers

Eligibility Guidelines:

• Each film must fit into one of the categories below, based on the age(s) of the content creator(s) as of November 16, 2024, as relevant:
o High School
o Lower Division (Freshmen & Sophomore)
o Upper Division (Junior and Senior)

 Each film must be created substantially by an individual who fits into one of the above categories, but they may be assisted by someone older (so long as that person is not credited as director, co-director, or the like)

 The submitter must be in their senior year of their first bachelor's degree (or younger) in order to eligible

• Additionally, each film may be submitted under this special topic:
o Climate Change

• There will be submissions awarded the People’s Choice and Dean’s Choice awards

Overall Rating
  • Nadège Herrygers

    Thank you for the selection and the organization!
    Best wishes,

    March 2024
  • This was a great festival and an amazing experience. It lasts two days and feels like you're going to a summer camp. The panelists were inspiring and educational, the highest of quality. You also get to have lunch with them after they talk. The free food is also very delicious, the staff was very nice, and the theater was clean with good sound and visuals. It's clear that they have a good purpose and reasoning for representing those who are underrepresented. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who are in high school, community college, or early university and from all over the world. It's a huge honor for two of my films to have been selected this year and I am very grateful. Hope this festival continues for years to come.

    May 2023